Tiers of Mods
Tiers of Mods where each mod does different things.
Tier 5 has permission to do each of the following:
- Mod
- Ban
- Timeout
- Delete Messages
Tier 4 has permission to do each of the following:
- Mod
- Timeout
- Delete Messages.
Tier 3 has permission to do each of the following:
- Timeout
- Delete Messages
Tier 2 has permission to do each of the following:
- Timeout
- Delete Messages
Tier 1 has permission to do each of the following:
- Delete Messages.
Where'd the poll commands go? Well the streamer should have the option to enable/disable it per tier or decide which tier it will go to, higher tiers will usually have all permissions of lower tiers.
Credit to Zachary_zz for the idea of Tiers of Mods
The idea of what each permission each Tier of Mod should have is TrickyTimeTree's idea.
painteD_ink commented
Maybe also have the ability to let Mods to manage Squad Streams
DashLady2 commented
I think it should go:
Tier 5 has permission to do each of the following:
- Mod
- Ban
- Timeout
- Delete Messages
Tier 4 has permission to do each of the following:
- Ban
- Timeout
- Delete Messages.
Tier 3 has permission to do each of the following:
- Ban
- Timeout
- Delete Messages
Tier 2 has permission to do each of the following:
- Timeout
- Delete Messages
Tier 1 has permission to do each of the following:
- Delete Messages