Squad Stream for everyone
Allow non Partners to Squad Stream to suport growth of a beginning/small channel
ZachBussey @ TOS.gg commented
Sadly, Squad Stream has been deprecated.
Zach || Subscribe to my Streamer Newsletter https://tos.gg/s
DijitalEsnaf commented
It will be a great support for the participating channels.
SwaViantae commented
Squad Stream came out over a year ago now and it's still only available for partners. Please Make it available for everyone ASAP
JouMax commented
I think it would be a very good way to be able to support each other among content creators. Like the creation of affiliate groups I would be quite curious to add.
tony2saucy commented
Invite people in your stream so people can see two streamers that are playing together to see 2 points of views
PixieEvil commented
have so we all can Squad Stream and it adds a tag for streamers in it
Inariann commented
I do agree. A ton of my friends I enjoy streaming with are affiliates or below. A ton of affiliates and smaller streamers play together and try to help each other grow. Discoverability is already difficult for smaller streamer, so this would definitely be a step in the right direction. The only option we currently have is to use 3rd party site which may not be safe and don't let us show ads. If everyone or affiliates at the very least, could squad stream directly, it would help us grow and let us run ads on our channels properly without random screens popping up and by protecting everyone. Would also make it much easier for viewers to see it on twitch than on a 3rd party site.
methos28 commented
Since few days / weeks, tierce solutions to get multi stream get a repetitive and unskippable full screen warning that you are not on twitch.
Ok, why not but, in this case, please allow everyone to use your multistream solution.
jokersgirlx commented
I think you should role out squad streaming to everyone. I love watching streams with this feature and want to do this with my boyfriend as we play together and are both in my video but would like to share both of our game plays.
When is this going to be a thing? As I think this is going to help me achieve affiliate and partner but need these at the moment to squad stream :/ -
Kyotsuke commented
We need SQUAD stream between Affiliate (without the possibility to do it with patners) because right now if i want to duo with my affiliate friend on his channel and mine at the same time, we have to use a 3rd party website to do it
FaZe_MacGyver commented
I feel that people with affiliate and above should be able to squad stream. I also think that people below affiliate should be able to but they can not invite people they have to be invited to the squad stream. I have had this idea for a while now and I think it would benefit the streamers without affiliate and the people that have affiliate/partner
Thank you for reading this.
glizzytaee commented
Squad stream should be available for everyone so that streams and watchers can see clips of both play styles and see what is going on during streams.
CDCardBoardGames commented
This would help Smaller streams band together into a nice community and allow each other to grow quicker and easily.
The_SassyPants commented
Squad Stream came out over a year ago now and it's still only available for partners. This feature needs to be made available for everyone ASAP. It is astonishing that it hasn't been already.
Caveman1306 commented
Yes Please!!!! My friends and I have an Idea specifically using the squad stream function and now that we found out its only for partners only. we probably won't even stream and abandon our idea