Prominently display non-100% volume
I propose that mute be continuously displayed prominently (not superimposed), and that all volume below 100% be displayed prominently when first tuning into each stream.
Multiple times, I've complained to streamers that their mic volume was low or even muted when my own volume was at fault. My interruptions have broken streamers' flow and attention, and in one case even caused them to redline/clip their mic!
When the volume starts out low I'll adjust my own volume, even past normal, then sometimes deal with (or complain about) substandard audio quality.
Also, I'll often mute a DJ to check out a song they just ID'd. Of course, I just heard this song, and others like it, so my software can autoplay following tracks before I realize that I'm watching and reading the chat but still on mute! Until the streamer talks, and I can't hear them.
I often turn down the music at night. When I login the next day, or switch streamers, I have no good indicator of the volume unless I hover over the video stream.
I could eventually train myself to be paranoid about the volume & mute every time I start a stream or switch windows. But I suspect many streamers are ADHD like myself and that we could all benefit from timely reminders of our nonstandard volumes.
Finally, I see this as a better option than saving individual volume for each streamer, but it would also work together with it, if both feature requests were selected.