we should be able to permanently archive vods. what if those vods are our first time playing something. i dont want to cut my entire hdd
i doubt anyone wants to sit there, download the entire vod, chop their hhd storage in half, and wait for 3 hours to upload their vod to youtube. you guys need let us keep our vods up longer or at least archive them for later use.
Hey there, as a streamer you can go to your Video Producer page and highlight your VODs. Highlighted VODs are saved indefinitely. Check out our help page for more info: https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/video-on-demand
MrFIibble commented
also for someone new and not quite coompute literate alot of this stuff makes no sense or is difficult to navigate i think you need to stop focusing on the views and changes that long time creators want as tbh they can use the platfrom well enough as it is, and mabye focus on helping new people as the help for set up is very basic not much infomation or the infomation is spread and i feel like im reading a wheres wallys book to find stuff hence why my pge looks **** as i gave up trying to navigate everything to set it up it was ridiculous
MrFIibble commented
im new to this a was not aware that videos i made would just be deleted not even saved to a cloud or server i find t suprising ps4 videos i have made from years ago are still availible is this beacus as your record thm they save directly to the consoles or ps4 cloud (maybe twitch sould look into a similar thing ) at least i think you should include a way of auto down loading vidoes whn you finished broadcasting a simple tick box saying to download vidoes would mean i could click it with out thn having to go through all my previous vidoes as iam now trying to save them also mabye put this in huge writting telling people if you dont download your content it will be lost for ever whn a youtuber doesnt have to worry about of a facebook content creator doesnt have to worry about and its a veryy simple thing to do just put a warning telling ppl to make sure they have enough space on disk to save and would save creators so much time and also back up there content (even if it doesnt follow twitchs rules and the content is banned or follows guidlines still doesnt mean the user cant keep it
Koma_Tanz commented
You can edit the VoDs as Highlights... Or download them, maybe edit them a bit and re-upload them.
shinigamiqueen0 commented
as it states maybe consider making the experation dates a little longer for broadcasts so we can view them a little longer
Alex12190 commented
tshif commented
Streams delete after 14 days (60 for prime) have videos go to archive and stream can choose to repost?
TheRealGrantcfo commented
2 weeks is too little time to go back and watch VODs. I went back to record a VOD for a demo reel for my casting and succeeded, but when I went to edit, I realized it recorded no sound. I've spent the past few days trying to figure out how to recover it so I could re-record, but I haven't been successful. I think if VODs were available for a month or if the current time was doubled to 4 weeks, it would be nice for situations similar to this and also being able to look back on what you did that month.
krisspeed commented
Can twitch please make it so when you finish live streaming it can actually stay on the page instead of delete. Iv posted everyday and forgot that your stream gets deleted in 16 days and it really broke me because now i dont see a reason to post anymore knowing that they are just going to be deleted in a matter of time. Can you guys please make it so we can keep our videos instead of it deleting in 16 or 60 days. We just want to keep our videos
PR1M3_Mapplee commented
The live should stay on ur channel forever not disapear in 12 days
hammer_kandros commented
Could this be an option with Prime, please? I'd like to be able to recover those videos that passed the 14 days but not the 60 ones at the very least. Thank you in advance.