52 results found
Stop pre-rolls from running after stream crashes If I watch a minute or more of pre-roll ads at the start of a stream, enjoy the stream for 5 minutes before it crashes for a second, and I reload the page to keep watching, I should not get another minute of ads.
1 vote -
Get rid of prerolls entirely! Get rid of preroll advertisements as a whole. They absolutely destroy channel discovery for new/low viewer streamers and if you're the type of person that has a buggy internet connection, sometimes you get disconnected for just enough time for Twitch to interpret your reconnection as you rejoining for the first time again and hits you with even more advertisements you possibly saw not even four minutes ago.
For real, prerolls do nothing for the viewer, the people that ALLOW TWITCH TO EXIST AS A WEBSITE IN THE FIRST PLACE. I'm not even saying get rid of ads in their entirety,…
3 votes -
whole-site ad option for viewers to temporarily stop preroll ads currently, viewers are discouraged from watching new streamers due to preroll ads as soon as they load a stream for the first time.
so it would be great if a viewer could click a button to watch a few minutes of ads, and then not have to watch preroll ads.
similar to streamers running 3 minutes of ads per hour to stop prerolls for their channel for the rest of the hour, a viewer would be able to watch 3 minutes of ads and be immune from preroll ads for an hour.
4 votes -
ads too long I can't even watch anymore. Something has changed, far far for the worse. So many unskippable ads, they are insanely lengthy. Like, I watched 2 minutes of ads before the stream would start, and then it bugged out and just showed a PIP icon. Then after waiting a while, I refreshed, and was treated to four minutes of un-skippable ads. That would be six minutes of ads, for less than one minute of seeing the content creator.
There is no way to modify or adjust which ads I see.
If I were to consider buying an ad-free subscription - I…
5 votes -
excessive pre-roll ads I'm trying to watch a past broadcast and every time it starts playing a new set of pre-roll adds starts. I've had to sit through like 3 sets. Please fix it so i can just watch what i want to watch after the ads.
2 votes -
Stream Audio and Ads Audio So this is a pretty simple feature request. I would like the ability to choose the audio I listen to for streams, because nothing is worse when you're watching someone and they're deep in a conversation about something, or responding to someone's question and then it cuts to an ad and you miss everything they're saying because the audio from the ads takes priority away, muting the stream entirely. This is also severely annoying when people raid into channels and they're made to watch a series of ads before they can hear the streamer greeting them. Perhaps a priority should…
5 votes -
Disable ads when entering a new stream. Nobody wants to see an Ad right as they enter a new stream. If they click on a stream from the main page or from a raid, nobody wants to watch it immediately. Me personally I exit as fast as I can and go watch someone else instead of ads. Viewers would be more inclined to stay around if watching ads wasn’t the first thing they got.
21 votes -
STREAMERS CANT RESPOND TO FIRST COMMENTERS IF THEY RECIEVE ADS RIGHT AWAY Streamers receive notifications when a viewer comments for the first time. As a frequent commenter, I plan around this, but have often received ads directly after my first comment in small streams. When I return, the streamer is talking about the topic I brought up in my comment. I can’t help but feel they are responding but I have no idea because I was forced to watch them talking without audio with an ad in my view. Can these ads be visual only? Can I have some time after my first comment to hear what they say? If they are…
4 votes -
3:00 worth of ads should equal 60 mins of no pre-roll So I understand that running 1:30 worth of ads will get you 30 mins of no pre-rolls and I think this is a great idea. However, 30 mins is a very short period of time to be able to go without interruptions. Even all the educational research shows that a 50 to 10 ratio is what works best for presentations.
1:30 giving you 30 mins of no pre-roll is great, but 3:00 should give you 1 hour that way the streamer can plan their content around the 50 mins of presentation, 10 min break with 3 of that being ads.
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Get rid of pre-roll ads entirely Everytime i enter to a channel i see a pre-roll ad and its annoying to say the least, and most of the time (if not everytime) there are 2 ads in total, And that just because i entered a stream. just stop it, its **** the pre-roll ads and everyone gets annoyed by it and probably makes twitch get less money from it.
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No Ad When Refreshing Stream Please turn off an automatic Ad when we refresh a stream. Because of various issues (sometimes in the Twitch side and sometimes on the user side) audio is not synced with the video. The only way to fix that is to refresh the stream. Each time I do that, I get an ad. It is really distracting and it really makes me not want to browse new streamers and content because unless I sub to them, I am constantly dealing with this issue.
2 votes -
Option to disable pre-rolls for a full hour Currently, in the Ad Manager, you can set ad breaks to be up to 3 minutes, but 90 seconds is the maximum amount to disable pre-rolls (30 minutes). Why not allow to disable pre-rolls for the full hour if you set the Ad Manager to 3 minutes? Running an ad every 30 minutes is way too disruptive. I am incapable of taking breaks when I speedrun for a full 100 minutes, it it impossible for me to adjust the three disruptions that would occur so that no one misses an important fight or trick. If it was ONE break of…
40 votes -
Delay The Ads From Start Of Stream Stream Display ads should not be the first thing you see when entering a stream. It discourages watchers to stay and see what is going on when they are forced to watch 2-5 mins of ad content before they even get to see or hear the streamer. Please set a delay on ads when a new user joins a stream. A user should not see an ad until at least 5-10 mins of stream content has been veiwed... then if you want to bombade the veiwer with ads AFTER they get a chance to watch some of the stream, go…
9 votes -
Twitch has a disturbing tendency to show ads immediately after I send my first message in a channel, making it impossible to hear a reply Twitch has a disturbing tendency to show ads immediately after I send my first message in a channel, making it impossible to hear a reply. Can there be a cooldown of 45 or so seconds after you send a message before an ad can be shown?
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Add a timer (up to a minute) before starting a Pre-Roll to improve channel browsing. Sometimes I just want to see what is going on on some streams and I have to wait 30 seconds of and Ad before that happens and that ruins the experience of browsing channels if I just want a preview or a peek.
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I am getting advertisements in channels I'm subscribed to, even in channels where I have a tier 3 subscription. I PAY TO NOT HAVE ADS I am getting advertisements in channels I'm subscribed to, even in channels where I have a tier 3 subscription. I PAY TO NOT HAVE ADS. Either refund me for every subscription I have because you're FALSE ADVERTISING or STOP IT IMMEDIATELY!
187 votes -
Lighter pre-rolls for affiliates No small streamer should have to think about dealing with pre-rolls. It hinders growth and discoverability. It's likely that most small streamers are just starting to figure out how to retain an audience. So having to juggle between bringing new people and keeping those who were already there is an unnecessary job that only brings more anxiety.
Affiliates (or maybe just streamers with less than 10 simultaneous average viewers or so) could have a lighter ad schedule. For example, in order to disable pre-rolls, streamers would need to run 1min30s of ads every hour. That would be a good way…
4 votes -
Disable Prerolls while a Hypetrain is active Preroll-disable functionality already exists, just have hypetrains add 5 minutes to that when they start, if the counter is at zero. Add more time if level-ups extend the hypetrain duration.
If a hypetrain is going, something hype is happening, right? Who wants to come into a channel during a HYPE moment, only to get slapped in the face with a preroll instead of joining in with everyone immediately?
The preroll revenue loss would be minimal, would encourage hypetrains (so a potential positive ROI), and be a win for everyone involved; adds functionality to the hypetrain product, and shows that Twitch…
22 votes -
Immediate Ads For the love of god twitch, stop showing Ads the first 3 seconds you begin watching a channel.
Every-time I decide to start watching a new channel I am immediately bombarded with a minute of Ads. This usually leads me to just going back to a channel I have subbed to. Yeah, we all hate ads. No-one enjoys sitting through 4-9 Ads that can last from 15 - 45 seconds. And immediately playing this many Ads is mildly infuriating to say the least. I don't mind watching some Ads and supporting the Channel after at least seeing SOME content, instead…
21 votes -
Preroll Ad Length Please consider limiting the size or amount of pre roll ads we receive. It is really off putting if I want to switch between 2 or 3 different streams but every time I see a 15-30second ad. I also am more likely to not check out a smaller streamer if I get a 30 second ad right up front. Thank-you.
2 votes
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