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42 results found

  1. Allow streamers to opt for SDAs only, even if it makes up less profit.

    For people who might not know, SDAs are banner ads.

    Full screen intrusive ads have never and will never work, we've known this decades!
    * What do people watching TV do when the adbreak starts? They change the channel.
    * What do people watching Twitch do when the adbreak starts? The exact same thing!
    This is NO NEWS to anyone in the world, but it seems it's news for you, so now you know.

    I don't want full screen ads EVER on my stream. Ads kill…

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  2. Banner ads appearing on channels I have subbed to. I do not get video ads on these channels. Fix it so subbing stops the banners too.

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  3. Stop allowing ads to run every 5 to 10 minutes that last 3 minutes (1 of 8 or 9 ). I feel very annoyed along with others in the community about this. It will kill a streamers view counts

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  4. There's currently very little information on how Display Ads actually function in relation to standard video ads. Creators have zero way of seeing revenue from them vs. standard ads.
    Do they replace standard fullscreen ads? Do they appear according to ad schedule settings?

    If these appear in addition to normal ads, why would anyone use them, especially when we have no idea what they're worth to us as creators.

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  5. The interrupting full-screen ads HAVE to stop. When playing JackBox Games for example, your screen is literally gone and it ruins the game. The screen doesn't always minimize and go to the top right, so you literally have no stream to see. Thirty seconds is a lot during JackBox to not see the main screen (and this is just the JackBox Games example of the experience being ruined - there is no point in going to new streamers because ads play on my favorite ones already). This is completely ruining the experience on Twitch. I understand ads need to play,…

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  6. when watching a streamer its frustrating to have an ad appear during a critical moment of gameplay, having the ad displayed full screen and the streamer on a very tiny screen + cutitng out of their audio is not a great experiance.

    imagine watching your favourite tv show and its at a very tense critical part of the show just as the moment is about to happen an advert takes over your screen and the tv show is shrinked to a tiny box, you can see whats happening but you cant hear what is being said because of this advert,…

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  7. I love twitch. But when it comes down to listening to the action and having a conversation with the streamer and it is interrupted by an ad. It becomes abusive on Twitch's part. Perhaps if an ad was displayed at the bottom of the streamer's view portal (the player). that was stationary as the page was loaded in. It becomes a .jpeg. It is NOT a blockable item. I am tired of this "ad abuse" being 3 or 4 30-second ads in a row. Whats the point of even coming here to watch a stream at this point? I'd like…

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  8. Los anuncios son más que en la tv. Adicional tapa el audio y te pierdes mucho. 5 anuncios de casi un minuto cada 3 minutos, insólito. Estoy considerando dejar de usar twitch.

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  9. würde es sehr begrüßen das ein übersetzer englisch deutsch in den stream chat mit eingebunden würde,da es ältere menschen gibt die der englischen sprache nicht mächtig sind.

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  10. I really, really hate when these new ads change the screen size of the stream, it is incredibly intrusive. I would much prefer just a 30 second ad and then back to the stream.

    If people prefer them then I disagree. I would never engage with an advertiser that so annoyingly changes my view settings.

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  11. What was the idea with ads that automatically play in the middle of a stream. Here I am enjoying watching my favorite streamer during a big moment then all of a sudden they are not only minimized to a super small box in the top right, but the sound to their stream is cut off in favor of the ad. Twitch said during their new ads this would not happen and they also said the ads would be non-disruptive by appearing in a small box at the bottom of the stream... this is clearly not the case. Who thought these…

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  12. Wie lange wird das Testen der Stream Display Das gehen? Wird es dieses Jahr noch diese Art von Werbung geben?

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  13. I discovered the existence of SDA not as an Affiliate, but as a viewer. I was surprised to see one of my favorite streamers running an inline ad - only to find out they were TOTALLY UNAWARE of the ad being run on their stream! After some investigation I discovered the existence of the SDA program. I like the program and I see a lot of potential for Twitch and its streamers to benefit from the program, but it is highly invasive to do this type of advertising without notifying streamers independently and prior to launch. I'm glad to see…

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  14. Full-screen pre-rolls are a huge obstacle with user experience and streamer discoverability. Users do not want to browse new, unknown streamers because watching a fullscreen 30s ad before getting to check out a streamer is annoying. It's a huge deterrent so users tend to rely on their go-to streamer. Replacing the forced fullscreen preroll with a Stream Display Ad instead will encourage users to once again check out new streamers.

    This change would be a massive improvement for both viewers and streamers.

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  15. Content obtrusive ads are bad for live form content. They work for YouTube and Television where the content can be put on a break until the advertisement is done, however for Twitch the ads will often block important content especially when first joining a stream.

    1. Pre-roll ads need to use unobtrusive forms of advertisement. Since pre-roll ads are the only ads forced to run without authorization from the streamer, they are the ads that most likely will directly affect viewing content the streamer does not want you to miss. As a result these ads will discourage viewers from watching, especially…

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  16. Can Twitch please display the ads beneath the video player without the motion transition resizing the stream video to be more disability accessible for people with visual sensitivities and for people who rely on closed captioning/ subtitles?

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  17. use Stream display ads instead of prerolls on live content ,keep prerolls on VODS my experience on twitch lately is that i dont go looking for new content creators much due to prerolls annoyance . you cant treat twitch like a Video on demand service you have to treat it as a live service , and you don't interrupt a live service with ads , SDAs are a great way not to interrupt the live broadcast . and midrolls controlled by the content creators as well . the issue with midrolls is that sometimes the midrolls are longer than the…

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  18. Where the black space is on Stream Display Ads, let broadcasters upload their own custom images depending on if the content is live, vod, or a rerun.

    Would help with channel branding, call to actions, and clear identity of content.

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  19. With the testing of Stream Display Ads, many creators are excited to begin using them as an alternative to disruptive full video advertisements. However, because preroll ads are still displaying, the main problem being voiced in my community still isn't being addressed: the disruptive nature of preroll ads.

    To quote my friend Kit, a fellow streamer:
    "Those [preroll ads] are so frustrating, especially hopping into a stream from a raid. Missing all the hi's and thank you's and welcomes because I gotta see a 90sec ad about totino's"

    Stream Display Ads are a great alternative to full video ads, but…

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  20. Maybe you can show the ad but give the stream at the top of the chat like webcam in watch party.

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