257 results found
3 votes -
I keep getting ads in Spanish? Not sure why but I keep getting ads in Spanish. My language is set to English and I am located in the US, so a bit confused.
5 votes -
Adobe ad broken Delete the adobe creativity ad. At the end of the ad, the audio distorts wildly and just sounds awful lol.
2 votes -
Werbung 1 min Werbung mitten im stream ganz ehrlich ihr könnt mich mal Twitch es macht kb mehr bei also vorm stream okay 1-2 von mir aus 3 werbungen sind okay bzw vertretbar aber wenn ich manchmal mitten im stream 11 kurz werbungen habe wo grade der streamer genau was am erzählen/machen ist macht es null Bock… meine zeit kann ich auch anders verbringen in dem ich auf YT bin oder auf prime netflix etc
Ich hoffe ihr arbeitet mal an dem mist1 vote -
stop showing me nickelodeon ads, im not 12 years old ffs stop showing me nickelodeon ads, im not 12 years old ffs
4 votes -
Remove "DNF Duel Ad" I have a serious issue with the ad I have been getting for the last several days for the game "DNF Duel." I intentionally try to watch streams that have a little flashing lights as possible due to photosensitivity. However, my streams constantly get interrupted by the ad for this game, and it flashes white on my screen repeatedly. PLEASE TURN OFF THIS AD. I have to block everything until its fixed.
1 vote -
Ads on Apple TV Twitch App Just for background, I predominantly watch Twitch on Apple TV so bear the brunt of all the incessant advertising which has recently become near unbearable when watching streams. (i.e. no ad block style of apps of any kind)
Pre-rolls are now 2 ads when entering a stream and it seems a lot of streams are opting for between 6 - 9 random ad breaks at a time. What is worse is that it's becoming more frequent that I'll go into a stream, get the 2 pre-roll ads and then after around 2 minutes, another ad block of 6 ads appears.
6 votes -
¿ De verdad estáis tan molestos por ver uno o dos anuncios antes de un stream en el que vas a ver tu contenido favorito , apoyar al streamer ¿ De verdad estáis tan molestos por ver uno o dos anuncios antes de un stream en el que vas a ver tu contenido favorito , apoyar al streamer e interactuar con amigos y streamers ? Queréis todo gratis que ni dos anuncios soportáis ? Lo veo muy poco ético con que es un negocio/trabajo/servicio y en todos sitios ponen anuncios amigos , pero yo vengo a decir que a google no le interesa Twitch y manipula los resultados de sus búsquedas para desprestigiar a la plataforma de Twitch , toda una injusticia .
2 votes -
Why give me ads 30 seconds before the end of forsen stream? Why give me ads 30 seconds before the end of forsen stream?
1 vote -
English by default instead of Russian. The idea came up because for some reason people are getting Russian ads in Lithuania (and other near by regions) instead of English. New generation don't speak Russian, so it would be cool to have ads default in English. People could always just switch to Russian if they want to.
7 votes -
Ads - Innovation twitch is a platform that changed the way of entertainment. Million of person watch real life situations, observing what the streamer does in every moment. And for this, every second count, because you cannot watch it again (technically you can, but if a want to see something recorded I will go to another platform)
Understanding this situation, Twitch cannot use the traditional way of showing ads as the TV or other videos platform does, because the platform works different!
So my suggestion is that Twitch must improve with a creative and different mechanisim of showing ads, creating more engagement with…2 votes -
Please I don’t wanna see my own country advertisement, let me see the other country advertisement like before Please I don’t wanna see my own country advertisement, just let me see the other country advertisement like before
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Add an option to watch ads when you are still subscribed with a button Add an optional button that allows you to watch ads even when subscribed with the default being off.
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Sunset the Billie Eilish Ads I mean seriously, these ads have been playing since AUGUST. I can't stand the distorted music that plays at the ends of these ads, and I can literally recite the marketing that Adobe uses verbatim. I think we got the picture. "What if it took place in a white void.... no, maybe black..." It's legitimately driving me insane.
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7 votes
廣告太過嚇人 最近PS5某款遊戲的廣告開頭也太嚇人了吧…?突然看到血淚的鬼面,可以理解平台需要廣告收益,但是突然就出現嚇人的廣告實在很過分耶?
2 votes -
Inappropriate ads Why are there quitting smoking ads on Twitch? I quit years ago and now everytime I see this ad, I get cravings. Thanks!
12 votes -
Remove Russian language as a primary one from the Baltic region (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). We're not Slavic and we do not speak Russian. We're not Slavic and we do not speak Russian. We're Northern European people with our own culture and language. Stop forcing us to listen to Russian ads when we understand English more than we understand our own native languages (Lithuanian, Latvian).
5 votes -
SPAM OF ADS I'm usually ok with watching the ads, but these last weeks ive been spamed with a lot of continuos ads. In fact, i get 7/8 cotinuos ads wich makes not sense and not used to happen. I think it' sa problema with my account, can anyone check that?
2 votes -
Echter Krieg ist nicht toll. Stoppt Werbung für die Bundeswehr Ich kann einfach nicht verstehen wie so eine tolle Seite wie Twitch Werbung für die Bundeswehr machen kann. In den Werbe Clips wird mit junden Menschen geworben die Spass haben bei der Bundeswehr. Das sie jedoch seit Jahren in Kritik steht wegen rechter Gesinnung ist hier dann nicht wichtig? Ebenfalls finde ich es nicht schön junge Menschen, die ja nun hauptsächlich Twitch benutzen zu motivieren zur Waffe zu greifen und evtl. zu Sterben. Mir ist die ein oder andere Werbung schon öfters übel aufgestoßen aber nun muß ich endlich mal Feedback geben.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?