The Issue with the Hot Tub Meta
Recently in the twitch community, there has been a rise of hot tub streamers also known as the "Hot Tub Meta". This has been a very controversial issue but I'm going to give my thoughts on the issue and hopefully twitch will do something about this. On twitch TOS it's stated "Content or camera focus on breasts, buttocks, or pelvic region, including poses that deliberately highlight these elements". This means any sort of content that deliberately does these would be against TOS. Now when we look at how the Hot Tub Meta we can see that it's unhealthy and unfair to the community. When I was looking through some of the streams a streamer called "Kaellyn" had their butt covering half the screen which I would assume is against TOS but nowadays it's hard to tell. Although the whole stream isn't just that it was obvious that she did to satisfy her chat. Another example is the popular streamer "Amouranth" who lets their viewers donate money to get their name written on many things the most common one being floaty. Just tuning into the chat for a few minutes I saw many twitch users send very questionable things such as "Show feet Kreygasm" "Show your booty" "Change bikini" and many more things. Constantly messages were being deleted by mods because they were either offensive or very ***. Another issue is the fact that it's clear that these streams are *** but the streamers don't even care to put the stream to mature just to get more people. This means that many kids can easily just go onto these streams and see big booba's. It's clear that this issue has gotten out of hand and that it needs to be stopped. My final thoughts are that although this stuff is "content" I don't think it's healthy or fair to the community and streamers to continue letting these streams go on. I think streamers should be able to be creative with their content as well. Hopefully twitch will something about this. Thank you for reading.
Kriminalocchio commented
Se proprio devono esserci su questa piattaforma, almeno mettetele in una categoria diversa. Concordo con BenWolfers
darkinos commented
To just respond to "BIG_FAT_MIKE"'s comment.. "To show of their more than half naked bodies"
I believe in medicine there are "%" used for body parts to define "How much burned you are" Like "hand 9% each, head + neck 18% etc.
When you see these "Hot tub streamers".. how much do they hide?
Nipples (some covers a bit more around breasts.. depends on the bikini they are using atm.) + small area of the bottom region.
So .. 5%? 10% of the body is covered? Maybe?
How far do you need to go to get to "nude" category so Twitch actually starts doing something? Next part is literally "nude" / "****" category.. -
John27900_Donatore_ commented
Concordo pienamente con Ben, ottima idea!
Abbiamo vinto tutti
PinkMan_31 commented
Siamo stanchi di questi atteggiamenti! Pienamente d’accordo con Ben.
barbagialla commented
Sarebbe perfetto, consentirebbe di vietarla ai minori di 13 anni! Fra un po' scatteranno le denunce delle associazioni dei genitori. :-)
Bartulume commented
Credo che attualmente sia la soluzione migliore che io abbia sentito.
RiccardoStiz_98 commented
Bella idea, concordo come sempre
Th3ReGiO commented
Twitch agisci ora
Isi22ado commented
Sempre sul pezzo il nostro Ben!
FaccioScorreggeProfumate commented
bell'idea signor BenWolvers
fauxbasilisk568 commented
Concordo pienamente
cacio1990p commented
flippatorepazzo commented
BenWolfers tryharder
impe2299 commented
giustissimo bravo !
Hardweller commented
BenWolfers commented
Trovo vergognoso vedere nella medesima categoria "Just chatting" sia streamer che stanno effettivamente chiacchierando con il pubblico che streamer intente ad esibire il proprio corpo in piscinette, piegate in pose inequivocabili o intente a mercificare una parte di corpo con una scritta in cambio di una donazione.
Non ho nulla contro di loro o nei confronti di chi le guarda, ma la convivenza di uno spettacolo palesemente "hot" nella medesima etichetta di chi cerca uno streamer con cui parlare di un fatto di cronaca mi pare inadeguata tanto quanto inserire un canale pornografico in mezzo ai canali dei cartoni animati sulla TV a pagamento di turno: legittimo, basta non guardare, ma sicuramente inadeguato.
A mio avviso, basta "obbligare" chi è su questa piattaforma per esibire il proprio corpo a farlo in un'apposita categoria e tutti saranno contenti: chi vuole far just chatting lo farà in un ambiente consono e chi invece vuole spogliarsi lo farà nella sezione più indicata.
Easy win per tutti.
BIG_FAT_MIKE commented
Recently I've been seeing a lot of "Hot Tub Streamers" in the Twitch Community. I started watching Twitch when I was a minor and joined Twitch to watch video game content. The idea of women performing on a platform, such as twitch, which was designed for gamers. To show of their more than half naked bodies and manipulate children in the Twitch community is absolutely disgusting. These ladies know that this platform is a better option than OnlyFans and they profit big time off of it. I am absolutely disgusted that my nephew (who is 11 years old) uses Twitch to watch content he enjoys, and he can stumble apun those streams. Sexualizing his mind at such a young age... What about people that have violent ****** tendencies and they play video games as a release and to get their mind away from those triggers? This is disgusting Twitch... If this is not fixed/sorted out I have absolutely no problem with going to the press about this.
BIG_FAT_MIKE commented
Recently I've been seeing a lot of "Hot Tub Streamers" in the Twitch Community. I started watching Twitch when I was a minor and joined Twitch to watch video game content. The idea of women performing on a platform, such as twitch, which was designed for gamers. To show of their more than half naked bodies and manipulate children in the Twitch community is absolutely disgusting. These ladies know that this platform is a better option than OnlyFans and they profit big time off of it. I am absolutely disgusted that my nephew (who is 11 years old) uses Twitch to watch content he enjoys, and he can stumble apun those streams. Sexualizing his mind at such a young age... What about people that have violent ****** tendencies and they play video games as a release and to get their mind away from those triggers? This is disgusting Twitch... If this is not fixed/sorted out I have absolutely no problem with going to the press about this.
Miyakaro_o commented
I agree with you. It's just tiring to report every time.
darkinos commented
I just do not understand how can I get into "Suggested" channels "Hot tub" female streamers all the time..
They do not belong to Twitch.. they do not provide any gaming or even "Just chatting" content.
They belong to "soft erotic" pages... when I want to watch nice girls I go to different pages, I do not want to see them on Twitch.
The fact that Twitch itself tolerates them, but bans people for getting someone annoying use "n" word or something that on "talked donation" is just bucked up.
When you can not block them (you could.. but you get money thanks to them so yeah.. money grubbing is ok nowaday if it is not against blm or lgbt or whatever), let us filter them...
I reported - ignored several of them.. and every time I log into Twitch.. I get new ones.
They do not belong to "just chatting", writing "subs" or "donators" names on their t*ts is not chatting, create their own category.. "stealing from ***** guys" or something..