Allow Editors to access Channel Points
It would be really nice if Channel Editors could also edit channel points and create new ones, etc.
DevilsFeline commented
There are so many of these out there to be voted on. we need to move it all to one thing to be voted on so it gets the most votes. I do agree the editor role should have more. I feel they should have more of a helper to the the channel abilities especially since they are supposed to be the broadcasters right hand person. Every channel has a main mod who controls a lot of the stream and if that mod had the abilities also to help the streamer out by posting new banners or doing channel point stuff or scheduling on the channel it would take a lot of work off the broadcaster and it would give the mod more that they can actually do. I really like this idea and I hope it gets pushed through and we see it because mods need more that they can help with especially since there are a lot out there who want to help but are limited to what they can do.
orzosinski commented
Great idea. Eventually just with need of approval by broadcaster.