Expanding on channel roles & permissions.
Instead of giving someone "editor" or "mod" as a role. Let us give custom permissions to users. (optionally)
Long story.
As someone who has been working on many services/servers like domain servers and game servers like Minecraft Where permission is always a big thing for "users". I would love to see the same here.
Being able to optionally give custom permission instead of roles or rather to expand on the current roles would be great! As there are only 2 roles currently.
For example, I do don’t mind if mods can change the title. However, the permission “Editing stream info” is only available to editors. But, also giving them “Running commercial break” and many other permissions. I don’t want that. Among other things. I have no choice now besides using a third party bot. I would prefer first-party support.
If you really want to outdo yourself, as a cherry on the cake, split up all the “Edit Stream Info“ items for more customization. <3
tOmerUsSEll commented
kool evolve to newly set of streaming changes keeps you from tout touch with ur audiences bravo keep it up ¡/
DON_PALOMINO commented
Se trataria de rangos asi como existen ya los de mod, vip y artista, y podemos crear rangos personalizados con diferentes permisos a elegir por el usuario
DiggiWolf commented
Hace unas semanas pusieron un nuevo rol, de Artista de Emotes, para las personas que realizan los emotes, pero de la nada lo sacaron, lo vi unos minutos y luego ya quitaron.
kurolaos commented
Deberían poner más roles, aparte moderador o editor o vip, o talvez poner una opción de roles personalizados para Afiliados y Partner. La opciones roles personalizado se pueden obtener por misiones asi como él vip, asi como cantidad fija como máximo para nombrarlos.
macnjlm41 commented
Basicly, Make it so we can have many different moderator ranks,
HSRometh commented
Стример создает роль с соответствующей данной роли иконкой(изображением). Можно ввести ограничения на кол-во ролей на канале и с увеличением подписок увеличивать количество ролей.
PrimeMinus commented
You know what I have thought about this a lot and I just don’t think this would work well with Twitch.
Nazanel commented
Customizable ranks
b0ndie_ commented
Additionally to moderator and "x-month subscriber" the streamer could appoint different users as some custom positions/ranks like "VIP" or "Voter" or "Fortnite dancer" or whatever the streamer can come up with. And of course give them custom rights. Like special specific channel emotes or rights to vote in a poll on the stream to choose the next game or whatever interactive content the streamer can come up with. And aside from mods/streamer being able to magically grant said positions via a magical command, custom conditions could be implemented so that users could achieve (without direct intervention of the streamer) the rank/position through extensions and/or resubbing x times in a row or something
Andrew Carlton commented
if they are inactive they shouldnt be a mod I think the mod system is the least of any twitch worries Especially with auto mod, The only reasons mods exists is for timeout and banning two functions that dont need to be split between layers
rdbond00 commented
I think it would be useful if there were some other levels of Mods that are assigned via the streamer. I.e. Mod; Vet Mod' Community Manager, etc.. just to kind of help differentiate the mods a bit. Often times if a question is asked it may be answered by 6 mods and get 6 different answer, and also it would be a good way to sort out your active mods from inactive and so on.