correct viewer count towards affiliate
several people I speak to during streams are having the same issue, we have 5+viewers but only showing as 1 or 2 making it harder to hit affiliate average of 3, this should either be fixed or taken out of the affiliate system, help smaller streamers to create a small fan base. we stream everyday putting the hours up but the view count down as the stats are incorrect making it impossible to hit what's asked on average.
RagnorOctober commented
I streamed for about 4.5 hours and had 3 dedicated viewers for almost the ENTIRE time. They had volume on and were actively watching. We also are not on the same IP address and none use a VPN. Yet, my count never climbed above 1. The 3 viewers I mentioned were not the only in there, as others did pop in and out, but I KNOW those 3 were in there (for more than 5 minutes) and should have been counted.
Why is this still and issue? I would think twitch would want EVERYONE to become an affiliate so they can make money off of us. As of now they are making nothing, once we are affiliates they get half of what we bring in, so why are they not fixing this? -
thiago_barba commented
Ola boa noite, estou com problemas no mostrador de espectadores, fica aparecendo 1 pessoa asistindo mas na verdade tem mais, meu amigos estavam assistindo e nao apareciam na contagem, tinha 4 pessoas! Erro muito grave ! Preciso disso para me tornar um filiado, mas isso esta prejudicando muito ! Arrumem isso !
CWNICOLAY commented
Ocorreu o mesmo. Tenho mais de 10 interagindo no chat e está aparecendo apenas 1 espectador.
talisma10 commented
eu estava fazendo live e estava mostrando 3 espec mas quando vou ver a quantidade de espec no chat tinha umas 9 pessoas eu não sei p que esta acontecendo
moon_nb17 commented
Minha Twitch não está atualizado o follow pra pegar afiliação
ToastHitsU commented
It's very hard to average 3 viewers. I have every requirement for affiliate and I have already unlocked vip badges, but I'm only averaging one viewer even though every stream I peak at like 3-15 viewers. Most of them chat, and that goes to my vip badges, but not to my affiliate? I personally think this should be taken out of the affiliate requirements or be fixed so that like You can get 3 average viewers *For one Stream* or you can peak at 5 viewers. Or you can remove it. I think it should be easier for the smaller streamers to get affiliate and I Don't think this average viewer thing should be broken. It should either be changed, fixed, or removed.
Saanchex46 commented
Hola buenas tardes me pasa lo mismo he obtenido una media de 5 y no se me actualiza para obtener el afiliado ayudaaa!!
JuregSP commented
Twitch ajuem nos por favor, esse erro esta nos dificultando
jerrypotatoe commented
I think that you should change the 3 average viewers to like hitting 3 average viewers in a stream not all together, because people who have already streamed tons of hours it's harder for them to hit the 3 average viewers because of not having many people watch them.
Gonaaal commented
me pasa lo mismo
smoken_insano commented
Estou com problemas também minha última Live teve 11 espectadores por mais de uma hora, teve momentos que chegou a 15 e a média de espectadores só cai para 1.8
juniordovale87 commented
Conseguiu resolver irmão ? Tô com o mesmo problema, fiz um camp teve 16 pessoas na live, marcou 8, faço lives diárias com 6-8 pessoas e só contam 2-3-4
tritainium commented
i do understand why it takes a long time to get affiliate and i value that, although i wish that my channel could be pushed to more people so i can get those 3 viewers insead of the 1.6 ive been stuck on for months.
VampyreLogan commented
I feel like the 3+ average viewers actually encourages new streamers to stream less and they have very little control or help with getting more viewers unlike followers with can steadily grow into viewship. If you stream often like I do even though I don't have a lot of viewers, I am trying to practice and get better at talking during my stream, I am trying to pretend to have viewers even when there are none. However, the more I stream without any viewers the harder it is to get to an average of 3+ viewers. Maybe it should be to get a single stream with 3+ viewers (or maybe just up the number a bit since that would probably be pretty easy) or and average within the last few days or a week. Don't punish beginner streamers for streaming more when they don't have any viewers, give them time to practice.
TheEnderGamerX commented
Looking at my channel analytics I see 3.1 average viewers (which means I may be able to become an affiliate), HOWEVER-- when I looked at my path to affiliate goal (in achievements) I saw 2.99 average viewers (thus explaining the lack of any sort of notification).
Though 2.99 instead of 3.1 is disappointing, it's still better than not knowing if the actual viewership is going through.
Perhaps this is some sort of rounding error?
But that doesn't make sense since 2.99 rounds to 3.0, not 3.1...?There's another bug regarding views, looking at the list of names in chat, I occasionally find between 6-8 names that ARE NOT counted on the viewer count, which reduces my perceived average.
Please either:
1. Be sure that it's counting EVERY viewer minute to minute as not to somehow miss someone.
2. If it's the API not updating the viewer count as often, please refresh the number more often or whenever the 'viewer list' button is clicked to avoid confusion.
3. Make sure to remove viewers that may have just left from the list.Your work and help is much appreciated, thank you.
~ Ender Haven [TheEnderGamerX] -
brii_sos commented
non mi si aggiornano gli spettatori medi negli obbiettivi
ISHANX11 commented
My 30 days stats shows I have 3.0 avg viewers but my achievement haven't unlocked.
squidjake_gaming commented
I've been achieving the 3 out of 4 requirements meant for affiliate. I have been for almost a year now. Why can't we just skip the average view count? I feel like that really holds us back. We already have a lot of amazing people taking their time to watch us, and I know I have an average of 3 or more viewers. That counter never goes up to 2. It's always a 1, or a 1.67. I get around 12 views on my recent broadcasts, you can check for yourself. So why won't the average view counter go up? Because of the 30 days? It's been more than 30 days, and it's still under 2. Isn't there a way to just skip that last part?
yarikmeier commented
тоже самое было. в чате 3 человека пишут, а показывает 1 зритель, хотя было по факту 5
апдейт: целый день 1 зритель!!! ТВИЧ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!! как могут сидеть в чате 3-5 людей, и быть 1 зиртель?!?!?!?!?
1r41tz commented
ya lo solucionaron?