MENA/Arab Heritage Month
National Arab Heritage month typically takes place in the US during April. This is a request to feature not just your Arab streamers but your Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) streamers and highlight the diversity that exists on the platform. We celebrate many heritage months and minorities on this platform, why not this one? Would love to see diverse creators on front page in celebration.
Last year Twitch dedicated one Twitter post for those who celebrated Eid, and were Muslim. That was a nice sentiment, but I hope we can push that further this year but displaying all MENA folk irregardless of faith.
MedicineMan commented
Adding my voice to this!
beesinspring commented
EmilyOrriginal commented
I'd love to see this for all my MENA and SWANA friends 💕 Y'all deserve the love, support, and recognition.
faroh commented
Crev commented
Hard agree. Representation matters. You have my vote!
Vlosk_PvE commented
This would be amazing! I know very little of folks with this cultural and geographical background and would love to learn more through these creator's voices!
dzhordan commented
+1 Do better Twitch
a_gregular_guy commented
I agree and fully support this idea. Twitch is in a unique position to share the experiences and stories of so many from a wide array of backgrounds, as creators produce live content. In this way, people of diverse backgrounds are humanized, bonds are built and stigmas are broken. This mission is worth celebrating. So many voices have been raised in this way, so continue this trend and highlight the experiences of the people with Middle Eastern and North African heritage too.
Haeres_Corvi commented
A much needed celebration around the western world, after over two decades of unjustified suspicion and resentment. Let Twitch spearhead this initiative to dispel this aura and provide representation to a very significant yet invisibilised minority in media. Let's share the limelight with those creators who are only waiting for the opportunity to show the world how rich and diverse the MENA heritage can be, and be proud.
bennystringbean commented
This is such a wonderful idea. I've personally learned so much about Middle Eastern culture just from one streamer and friend, Ashewyn. Imagine what we could all learn from all of the MENA content creators out there by amplifying their voices on Twitch.