inventory drops
Hello, my inventory page for twitch drops has been flooded by 1 game. I do not want drops of that game, I just watch a stream and instantly get these drop counters in my inventory.
Now it's harder to navigate my drops of other games that I do want.
Can you enable an option to disable drops of certain games, please?
chardribbx commented
Problema con los drops de albion online. Mire las horas requeridas y conecte todas las cuentas, al momento de reclamar sigue pidiendo acceder a cuentas, lo vuelvo a hacer y así sigue el proceso. Ayuda
Saintiag0 commented
me vi los videos que tenia que ver, me conecte de la manera que me dijeron que me conectara, la pagina me dice que vi los videos la cantidad hora que debía y complete la barra de progreso y ahora los premios no están en el inventario y probé además conectando y volviendo a conectar todo, el juego es huntshowdawn
ExoticTTV24 commented
No me llega el drop al inventario del juego
Hufffel commented
It is all over the Overwatch forums that no1 got the Bastion skill Drop for watching 2023 OWWC/Blizz Con, instead we were all given a Torb skin by mistake... I already had a torb skin, now Twitch states I have & claimed 2 Torb skins & 1 Bastion skin but I dont have the bastion skin in game.
itz_yadiele commented
No me llegan las recompensas de los Drops al juego
Microrami commented
I watched the Warframe 10th anniversary and didn't get my drops in my Inventory but I have a notification that's telling me to claim it but every time I click it, it just sends me to my inventory and without the prime Warframe there and not in my game either so I'd like this problem to be fixed please thank you.
yazanxxgamer commented
I watched the fifa live to get my packs it was 98% and the live ended
And when i join any other live with drops enabled it doesn’t complete the 98% it stays the same and after ten minutes the drops will end but i want the pack
Thank you twitch -
a_nu9ve commented
Tengo problemas al tener un drop, ya eh visto el tiempo que me indica y no avanza se me quedo en 96%.