Do not promote Hogwarts Legacy
JK Rowling is a vocal transphobe and promoting Hogwarts Legacy enriches her, helping her further her anti-trans agenda. Please do not run ads for this game.
Hey all,
Because of the nature of the comments we will be closing comments on this thread at this time. Voting and showing support for this idea will still be available while comments are closed. Thank you for your understanding on this.
arktis_wolf commented
Support Hogwarts Legacy!
People are allowed to game what they want, they can be non-leftists if they want - Just because someone is not on the left spectrum does not mean one is a bad person.
Certain Activists clearly are showing a lot of bigotry by themselves. And this is nothing of which you can be proud of!
MichelleBendy commented
Will this boycott even be a blip on JKR's radar? Nope. Will it help people I care about? Yes. That's it for me.
RaidinDawgZ commented
What do you hope to happen out of all of this? It's already the number 1 most wish-listed game and a top seller on Steam. Do you really think Twitch removing ads of it is going to detract from that?
Is all the fuss not in turn creating more publicity for Hogwarts Legacy? Why is all the backlash on this game? Why is there never backlash for Universal advertising their parks or other companies like LEGO releasing tie-in products? Is all this outrage selective for a reason?
It's all well and good to be against JKR for her dated views, but have you stopped to consider all of the people that worked on this game (A game she has had no direct involvement in)? Gameplay designers, writers, artists, composers, sound engineers, vfx artists, actors, etc who all love this franchise and want to deliver the best product possible for others who love it too. Do they not deserve to have their work seen, played and critiqued just like any other game?
If you as a viewer/player are not able to separate the art from the artist, that is on you and not anyone else. Contrary to some of the comments on this thread, If you buy this game or watch it on twitch you are not transphobic, bigoted or a hateful person by proxy. If you say otherwise you do not believe in nuance.
parsian119 commented
I got to criticize this movement as there is really no point at all. If your goal was to prevent JK from getting millions of money from Royalties, News Flash, she has already made it with her Books, Universal Studios Harry Potter Theme Park, Movies, Merch, and Copyright years before she came out anti-trans. Tearing down and forcing people to not be able to stream/play Hogwarts Legacy will have no impact on JK at all. At this point attacking the game is attacking Avalanche Studios and the Employees who have worked so hard to make a game and people who have no affiliation to JK but are fans of Harry Potter's Universe. Removing ads will not affect Hogwarts Legacy at all. Ads only affect people who stream whether they are small or big creators. It has no relation to the immediate revenue of Hogwarts Legacy. Why should people be punished for playing a game that no one has tried yet? There have been many authors throughout history like HP Lovecraft, Tolkien, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, and Dr. Seuss who have been caught for racism years after their deaths, but you have to separate the art from the person. Yet, they are still highly acclaimed for the work they have done. No one is perfect and no one will agree with every person's worldview. If you really feel like this is a real issue for you, go boycott the game and do something about the issue yourself rather than cry on the internet for points. Go spend 60-70 dollars on donations to a Non-Profit Organization that helps the Trans Community but don't think that forcing every person to block ads will do anything.
JessPlayGame commented
I am boycotting twitch until they stop advertising this. Probably won't stream here again, since they clearly know **** all about trans people and their struggles
rachelraecraft commented
The fact that there are so many people in this comment section throwing insults at people who have a legitimate concern for people who are affected by the continuation of the perpetuation of this franchise is ridiculous.
dinkthepoof commented
Everyone mentioning other terrible things that are happening in the world as if that is an excuse to do nothing. Do what you can when you can.
agathegreateso commented
Why the selective outrage? Apple is running sweatshops in China, Amazon (who's the owner of twitch) is treating its warehouse workers as slaves. You need to give it a rest. If you don't want to stream on twitch because of Hogwarts Legacy, please do so, you'll do everyone a favour because your behaviour is insufferable.
anon2019 commented
Ugh, someone has to say this... You're fighting a losing battle and a battle in which SHOULD be fought against the governments trying to de-transition trans men and women. Laws that would convict teachers or parents for helping children discover themselves, laws that would see Trans men and woman be put in prison for 'exposing children to this harmful behavior' with 5yrs max and 25K in fines.
Why are we focusing on a video game so harshly when our battle needs to be at the damned politicians trying to attack the Trans community? What about the Drag shows being invaded by hostile masked people? What about that huh? Why are we trying to punish developers who started work on this game back in 2017; BEFORE JK Rowling said anything. Don't the Developers deserve to feed their families? Pay their bills?
How would you feel if people went after your job like this? Risked your livelihood over what one woman said? You think JK cares if she doesn't get paid for a little game? She makes 50-100 million from other games, books, movies, toys, candy, drinks; anything with Harry Potter on it and she makes money. This game is like 0.0025% of her income so what does she care? But this is like 70-80% of the developers' income. So who's taking the larger hit?
Point your guns at the right targets next time. Do better.
MajorRespect commented
I will not vote this up, i will reply with this.
It does not sit well with me that people are disregarding the developers for what one person said, even though I do not agree with what JK Rowling said. The developers have spent a lot of time and money on the game which millions of people will enjoy. There's no way that's fair. It's only fair that the teams that made the game have jobs and food to feed their families.
I support anyone who is who they want to be, but why do you disregard the teams that spent years developing the game? They deserve to be paid for years of hard work that they put into this project to feed their families, don't they?
rachelraecraft commented
Allow us to provide ads that don't trigger our viewers. I don't want anything related to JRK anywhere near my platform. I will stop running ads on my platform
reversecatgirl commented
As a company you seem to do things to promote a safe space for LGBTQ+ streamers & viewers. Stop running ads for this game, protect your Queer users.
bee_rat commented
JKR is a transphobe, and the entire franchise is rotten to its core, please stop running ads for bigots
XTraq_ commented
Absolute insanity to link the foul voice of J.K Rowling with the work of Avalanche Software. The developers have put countless of years into the creation of Hogwarts Legacy, they deserve every right to advertise their work. If you do not want to support this game do not buy it. There are much better avenues to fight bigotry than to try and harm the good work of the passionate team behind Legacy.
MislaidPages commented
Everything connected to HP and the HP world perpetuates and strengthens JK Rowling's public platform - which she actively uses to spread hate about and encourage legislation against Trans people.
Please don't run ads that enrich transphobes who encourage hate against Trans people.
cryzark commented
Absolute insanity to link the foul voice of J.K Rowling with the work of Avalanche Software. The developers have put countless of years into the creation of Hogwarts Legacy, they deserve every right to advertise their work. If you do not want to support this game do not buy it. There are much better avenues to fight bigotry than to try and harm the good work of the passionate team behind Legacy.
iRitz commented
The Ads displayed on Twitch do not directly link to JK Rowlings comments on transphobia and the game itself has been very inclusive to all, including the transgender community. The purpose of this "feedback" is to ruin a game and successful launch of the game.
semper_viventem commented
There is a good way to distinguish activism from populism - to ask yourself the question: "Whose life will this action make better?" If the answer is "nobody's", then it is not activism.
Your initiative does not help the trans community and does not make anyone better, your goal is to harm Rowling, the Developer Studio, the Publisher, hundreds of people who worked on the project, other streamers, fans of the series, and gamers.
Aqualudia commented
I want to stream without my viewers having to see an ad for a franchise, who's creator is dehumanising my friends.