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158 results found

  1. Twitch advertises a 50/50 revenue split for affiliates and partners - however, this is becoming increasingly untrue. The affiliate agreement outlines that certain costs or taxes are deducted before creators receive payouts, however these 'fees' are becoming more aggregious, whilst remaining perpetually unclear.

    At present, a US viewer gifting 5 subs costs the viewer $29.95. As a UK streamer, I receive $10 of this support. Instead of the 50% promised ($14.98), $4 of this disappears to "Fees". These fees are described as 'certain costs' and 'taxes', however these are never specifically outlined or clearly broken down for the creator.


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  2. Would like the idea to host PPV events on stream.

    This is a spin off of subscriber only streams, but let the user set the price of the PPV stream, whether its a special anniversary stream or a live event.

    Pros: adds another line of revenue for streamers
    Adds a different experience for creators and chat
    Easily scalable
    Scenarios: sub anniversary stream, concert, album launch, travel stream, birthday stream, digital event, podcast/video podcast, special guests appearance,

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  3. Like with Domain names, allow a user to sync all of their subscription through "extension" prorated into a single date that may be more convient for billing purposes.

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  4. please, for the love of god allow those who want to turn off subs and bits to do so...
    i've seen a good number of forum posts from people who want this. i am included in that. all i want with affiliate is channel points, polls and emotes. twitch can take all the revenue from the minutes revenue.

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  5. tl;dr - 12 month subscriptions are only offered to GIFTED subs and not manual (re)subscriptions. Please add an option to (re)subscribe ourselves for up to 12 months.

    Currently, Twitch offers the following subscription durations when subscribing to a channel: 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. However, if you attempt to gift a channel you are offered a different set of durations: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months.

    Is there a specific reason as to why the inconsistency exists between gifting a sub and subbing yourself? It would be great to have parity between the two methods…

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  6. Subscribe for the amount of time that you have been a follower, e.g. say you have been following someone for 62 months but couldn't afford to subscribe until recently, give us the option to subscribe for the past 62 months, get the sub-badge, and pay the streamer for the past 62 months that you have been a continuous follower. not sure how it would work if you had gift subs/twitch prime randomly throughout the time you followed them, maybe just ignore it and and make it a running total for the entire time.

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  7. Many streamers use Twitch as a major way they supplement their income, or as their primary income, however if they can't stream due to being sick it directly cuts into their ability to support themselves and may be a driving reason for them to leave the platform for different services/jobs.

    I would like to suggest 5-10 days a year in which a streamer can toggle on and earn a higher cut from subs, or a %match of bits. This would require the streamer not to be streaming that day so they can recover.

    Part of this is driven by the…

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  8. Streamers can set subscription price like Youtube.
    Twitch Partners have so much emotes with Tier1 Subscribe, but new affiliate streamers have so less emotes. And it is very very STRANGE that the price is SAME!
    In Japan, The price was increased and some streamers say if we can set subscription price like Youtube, even if we get lower rewards. And also many Japanese feel the price is very expensive even Tier1, 700 JPY.
    My friend of youtuber sets prices only 90 JPY. In generally, streamers set price about 500 JPY in Youtube.
    so Why don'y you let us set subscribe…

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  9. I often get emails that a subscription has lapsed but it doesn't tell me who it is, rendering the email completely useless. Pushing me into my subscription management page, which is ten years outdated, causing a bad UX to find more information about who the email is regarding.

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  10. I think if there were 4 tiers of subs. There would be a more even gap between $9.99 tier and $24.99 maybe try like $14.99. I think people would be more like to sub if they wanted to sub for more than 9.99 but not 24.99 somewhere in the middle.

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  11. I would love to see prime subs be added for plus program I currently dont see why prime would not count towards this especially since this new price increase for all paid subs starting next month on the 11th I feel like that would be the best option

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  12. If I make a mistake (all too easy) and use my Prime subscription to a channel I don't want, then it appears I'm stuck for 30 days. I'd like to cancel and subscribe to a different channel, but that seems impossible. I don't understand why I can't cancel and subscribe to a different channel. Watching the channel of interest with ads is a complete non-starter for me. The content just keeps marching on (it's live), and I miss a few minutes and totally lose the thread.

    Allow at least one cancel/subscribe change per 30 day period. Otherwise, the prime benefit…

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  13. I would like a way to be able to purchase, all the past subs that I missed over the years, of not being able to afford to support my streams, and just being there in spirit for years. It would be nice if maybe once a year for a week, we could spend the required amount say buying 6 subs to show that you supported your streamer for the duration by rebuying all the subs you missed out on. so say I have followed someone for 12 months, but ive only been subbed for 3 months, I would like to…

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  14. I can hide all my badges except subscriber badge if I'm subscribed to a channel. I want my chat user to be completely clean of any information for privacy purposes.

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  15. I like using subs to get no ads for a channel but I perfer to renew subs myself so I would ask that there be a setting to prevent auto renewal of subs instead of manually having to go to each sub and stop auto renewal.

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  16. I have a few issues with sub anniversaries:

    1. (highest priority) When shared, sub anniversaries show up in chat & the activity list as a regular sub, even though the popup to share an anniversary vs subbing is different & they are obviously separate events, they just don't show as such. Confusing!

    2. Because of the above, there is no real celebration of this person's anniversary i.e. initial sub date. Streamer isn't prompted to say 'yo congrats! you've been here so long!' or whatever. Why even have anniversaries at all?

    3. If you DO want anniversaries to be special, make them? Like, make…

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    Gathering Interest  ·  Ana responded

    Thank you so much for the level of detail and organization that you used to present this idea.

  17. So, as the title implies, Twitch doesn't pull your Sub Tier Names for your Twitch Alerts at the current moment.

    I know it's not SUPER pressing - there's ways around it - but, uh... potential fix coming soon? Hopefully! :)

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  18. Wondering on a system where the creator could adjust their own pricing for subscriptions. It wouldn't be a small task to change with all the set things already but it would be interesting to see if small channels could set a lower price if it would incentivize more people to support with a subscription. Let's say you set tier 1 to $2, tier 2 $3 and then tier 3 $5. Would the spread of tier be more evenly divide and would the end result yield more income in the larger scale.

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  19. How about reward loyal subscribers who stay subscribed on streaks with a free random (or user can chose) emote from the tier above, each month they stay subscribed with a tier 1 subscription and its a streak above say 6 months they unlock 1 randomly selected (or user can chose) emote from tier above, until they unlock them all after that, if they are still (maybe for x months more) subscribed move up to tier 3 emotes and repeat again. This way it rewards those viewers who support channels over the long term, and better then just a sub badge…

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  20. If there was a way for the affiliate/partner streamers to get a custom link (like the amazon affiliate program,) and for each user sign up you get a one-time (slightly higher than a regular sub) bonus, and a small monthly resub bonus. I think users would go for it, but only if you get the emotes set up for TURBO users.

    The one thing that prevents all the heavy twitch viewers that I know in MST3K, RIFFTRAX and other small 24/7 channels is the lack of channel emotes.

    I think adding an additional TURBO emotes section so that Streamers can…

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