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295 results found

  1. With recent outcries against the innocuous "lurk bots" being seen in the chatter list I had the thought that it may be time to rework the list functionality a bit and provide some options to the broadcaster of what is shown in that list.

    This would help the broadcaster (and others looking at the list) to see what they want to see, without unnecessary information that may not be helpful overall.

    I suggest the following changes:
    * Full rework of the list in functionality and use.
    * Offer options in settings on the type of data that is displayed.

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  2. You often see people typing ^ to show their support for a message. Why not make this a real feature. You could upvote a message and make it stay visible for longer or something like that. Quality messages wouldn't get lost so quickly (I am thinking of very rapid chats here especially). I guess it should be a special mode, since for slower chat it would not make sense to alter the order of the messages, since some messages are answers to questions etc.

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  3. Since this hasn't been posted in almost a year (see Twitch needs to implement a /follow user command so if someone gets a shout out in chat you can just do /follow user instead of clicking on their name and doing everything with the mouse when we're already at a keyboard chatting.

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  4. Permanently unlock emotes from streamers.

    You regurarly turn in to multiple streams and want to use their emotes but can't afford paying for 10+ streamer subscriptions.
    How about letting us unlock specific emotes for bits. You can unlock multiple emotes from the same streamer and multiple streamers but you pay bits for each single emote.

    Since it's bits twitch gets a cut and the streamer gets a cut.

    The downside might be that subscriptions loose a little value as they make the stream AD-Free AND unlocks the emotes but i don't think it would be to bad.

    Thanks for taking…

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  5. When chat is put into emote-only mode it says so above the chat input bar for everyone whenever it gets enabled. Clicking it shows the info box that explains what it is.
    For subscriber-only mode, this message is shown to people that aren't subscribed and in follower-only mode it is shown to people that are currently not following.

    Moderators bypass all of those restrictions but are only shown when emote-only chat is enabled in this way. It is easy to forget about chat being in follower-only mode after, for example, counteracting a bot raid with follower-only mode.

    For moderators it…

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  6. The stream viewing options on desktop include "fullscreen" (no chat displayed) and "theater mode" (chat occupies about 1/3rd of the screen, on the right). Given that the vast majority of streams are in widescreen format, dedicating a large vertical column to chat results in the gameplay "window" occupying less than 1/2 the screen, with huge "letterboxing".
    It would be a huge improvement to allow the viewer's chat display to overlap onto the video feed, via a window that can resized, repositioned and whose background can be made transparent. It would serve as an "interactive fullscreen" mode, where viewers can be…

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  7. Having to open the user list to see how many mods are there—digitally if not mentally—all the time is way too much hassle.

    Can’t we show channel staff (not regular users because of privacy) a number for the passive mods and active mods so people know whether to ask more to come by and keep things cordial?

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  8. Für die Modansicht, bei Benutzer im Chat unter der Kategorie Moderatoren: kann man dort ein Feature einbauen, in dem die mods sich gegenseitig zeigen können durch anklicken von einem Button ab sie aktiv oder passiv im Stream sind? ich dachte daran wie halt an einen grünen Hacken für aktiv und rotes Kreuz für passiv, und für eingestellte bots nochmal ein anderes zeichen. Man sollte aber die anderen Mods den Status nich ändern können sondern nur seinen eigenen

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  9. There are times when I need to get my streamer's attention as a moderator but it's difficult to do when they're not looking at the chat. It would be great if mods could give some kind of sound notification, like a small "ding" or something the streamer chooses, so the streamer knows their attention is needed when they're able to look at chat.

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  10. Just like the chant feature except it works on the other side of a raid. Streamer/mod sets raid chant and viewers that did not copy/pasta the message can just chant it instead.

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  11. Sometimes smaller channels get a large influx of people to the point that the existing community is drowned out and can't talk to each other. A channel I've been a part of for a year has 4000 viewers more than normal, and chat's moving so quickly the regulars can't even talk to each other. What about an auxiliary chat people can move to if the streamer has added them there for being a longtime community member? The streamer could either see both chats or the two chats weave into one on their end. And maybe this chat has a size…

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  12. Please implement an option to get rid of chat refresh when scrolling through chat. There are times when a link is posted by the streamer, or someone says something interesting that I cannot read and would like to, but chat refreshes every time a new comment is posted. Especially in chats with thousands of people.

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  13. Make chat customizable so streamers can turn on/off different stuff and combine them like badges/colors etc and make each chat unique.
    In my case I'd like to turn off nickname color, combine all badges into one (i.e. if viewer is a sub and prime one then he will have badge with crown, if he is sub and moderator then he will have badge with green border), in case of regular viewer (just follower but always watches the stream) then he will have his nickname color

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  14. Add chat on Twitch app on Nintendo Switch consoles consoles to be able to communicate with live streamers and other people on chat.

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  15. I find it frustrating that as a chatter that you need to click on the "React" to place what I think of the moment happening. The streamer should be allowed to tie them to different emotes or with a word chant (mainly for BTTV, FrankerZ or any 3rd Party Emotes), either global or the streamer's own emotes.

    This will help the streamer to get more analytics which parts the chat likes and it's less of a hassel for the audience.

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  16. Specific user slow mode, Instead of turning on slow mode for the entire chat i would like to turn it on for individual users, i think this would make moderating specific users easier and more discrete without disrupting the flow of the entire chat.

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  17. A better way to see what a user has clipped from a stream would make it much easier to see what kind of user you're dealing with especially when it comes to users making clips that take things said out of context or allowing you to see when a user is regularly clipping when a streamer does something as innocuous a standing up or picking something up off the floor

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  18. It would be nice if a MOD could deleat a messages from himself or another MOD.
    No one is perfect, maybe its a small spoiler or a word that is not fitting for a MOD.
    And sometime the Streamer cant go out of the Stream or would destroy a challange run.
    So it would be nice if a MOD could deleat a messages from himself or another MOD.

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  19. Whenever I become like top 3 weekly or train conductor, my badge on channel changes to that, and then changes back to my global Prime badge.
    I want my 500k bits badge to show at all times for example but I can't do that, because whenever I donate bits it just gets overriden and then not even restored when I lose the weekly status.

    I don't ask for it to be restored, but I want a like opt out button, where I can say "Do not apply bid leader, gift sub leader and conductor badges automatically"

    I value those less…

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  20. Bonjour, ni les paramètres de Twitch ni Nightbot ne permettent cela efficacement.
    Il serait super intéressant pour un créateur ou un modérateur de pouvoir bloquer les liens hypertexte à l'exception des clips Twitch (permettre par exemple en "termes autorisés" l'ajout d'un "*"). Ou un bouton sous lien hypertexte bloqué/autorisé : clips oui/non.
    Merci !

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