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295 results found

  1. Can we have live usernames, like neon colored ones or rainbow colored that you can buy from twitch. twitch could implement these and sell them for a reasonable price. Inside a store designated for users specifically

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  2. Add positive comment buttons on and off for the host to only read positive and ban all negative comments, it is either abusive, sexual, bully, or anything that relates to negative though.

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  3. Sometimes the enter key gets bumped when typing messages, which then submits a message that is incomplete according to the chatter's intent. Having the user level option to require Shift + Enter to submit a chat message would be harder to accidentally trigger this scenario.

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  4. I think it would help a lot to reward loyal users to have a few seconds of spotlight after sending a message so they do not get lost amid the chat spam in big channels.

    If VIP user sends a message ALL chat messages pause for 5 seconds. Specially for mods... some kind of option to send a "Remarked Message" so maybe it has a 10s chat pause. That way certain information can come across during chat crazyness...
    If Tier 3 Sub sends a message all chat messages pause for 3 seconds.
    Even 1 second between messages would mean quite…

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  5. Is it possible that you can make the chat log search easier for mods by letting us sort by old or new comment first, show only deleted messages, responded comments etc., and also let us search by specific words and dates? That would make the modding a lot easier. Thanks!

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  6. Could twitch make a feature like showing chat moving from right to left on the screen, like a flying bullet. Some stream software like Huya and Douyu in China have made this successful and popular. That will not only make the chat more visable but also be a part of the screen show. I strongly recommend this feature!

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  7. Being able to add slowmode to a specific person. If there's no reason to time them out or outright ban, making it so they can't spam every second. Can slow them down from behind the scenes!

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  8. When viewing chats during a stream, a word/phrase filter would be nice so that posts can be blocked without temporarily blocking the user.

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  9. if you or someone in chat mentoins food you can remind people to eat and drink water (idont know how this works help)

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  10. There should be a way to chat while watching on full screen. Have a small space to type your message and keep the way messages are shown on the in game chat. (the way the streamer can see messages on their screen while playing. But add a chat bar for the people watching the gamer.

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  11. Looking for a command/code on Twitch API when someone creates a clip and they use !clip the last clip made will go to chat with a link to the clip for everyone to watch. I do not want the command to make a clip or take a random clip from somewhere. I just want it to post the last clip made on my channel from my clips page that viewers made.

    For those thinking why not get Nightbot or w/e? They can't because Twitch API doesn't let them. Should Twitch themselves have commands dedicated to Twitch stuff like clips, hosts…

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  12. Would be great to have a tool that allows people from chat to collaborate (play together) in video games. Since they are watching a stream they most likely play the game and most of the time like-minded people watch the same streamer. Making it seamless to play with someone from chat would increase community collaboration.

    Link steam, blizzard, uplay or origin with Twitch. Need to allow users to send invite to become friends on a client or to invite to game.

    Hit me up if you have questions on the feature request.

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  13. Hello,
    I would suggest to make automatical block on every channel so when written message has more than 80% same words as message written in chat it will get blocked. Sure there should be same adjustment on how long the message should be and so on but it should not be hard to do.
    It is specially annoying in Esport games where copy/paste people are just ruinning the chat.

    Best regards

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  14. Change mods chat streams. It's best for the subscribers to be heard more in chat. Mods should only monitor the stream and whisper to streamers who are out of hand. Not to personally chat through out the stream. Also not to get involved in streamers activities.

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  15. We should be able to bold our texts if it’s important

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  16. Let the content creator can change the background theme of the chatbox. So, it can be more than the normal White or Black theme chatbox. What do I mean about that, I'm talking about a little bit of customization. The content creator can the background color to Red, Blue, to Twitch's iconic Purple color, or whatever they like as long it's following Twitch's TOS. The letter's color will automatically change to adapt to the background color, so the viewers can still see the chat easily.

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  17. For example: you go to one of your followed creator's channels to see if they're live; and as it would turn out, they're not live yet, but are hosting another creators' channel.

    I am suggesting that instead of having to go to the other creator's channel to interact with their chat while you wait for your main channel to go live, that instead you just click a toggle that will show your message in their chat and vise versa; to eliminate the need to switch channels or open another tab entirely to engage with another chat while you wait for…

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  18. o meu chat nao tem o botao de identidade na caixa de chat. todos tem menos eu. esta vazio, e eu queria algum jeito de arrumar isso

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  19. The mod icons are very quick and easy, however a 600 second timeout can be very lengthy. I propose you allow mods to edit how many seconds a user would be timed out if they press that button. How it would work: near the area to turn on mod icons add a feature where the mod could input a number of seconds they want the timeout to be. This would apply to anyone they timeout. Ex: If a mod puts 60 seconds in that area, every time they press the time out button in that chat, a user would be…

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  20. Bonjour, ni les paramètres de Twitch ni Nightbot ne permettent cela efficacement.
    Il serait super intéressant pour un créateur ou un modérateur de pouvoir bloquer les liens hypertexte à l'exception des clips Twitch (permettre par exemple en "termes autorisés" l'ajout d'un "*"). Ou un bouton sous lien hypertexte bloqué/autorisé : clips oui/non.
    Merci !

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