Edit Mod Icons
The mod icons are very quick and easy, however a 600 second timeout can be very lengthy. I propose you allow mods to edit how many seconds a user would be timed out if they press that button. How it would work: near the area to turn on mod icons add a feature where the mod could input a number of seconds they want the timeout to be. This would apply to anyone they timeout. Ex: If a mod puts 60 seconds in that area, every time they press the time out button in that chat, a user would be timed out for 60 seconds rather than 600.
cinnamon_shakes commented
I use the delete feature a lot as a mod but not the ban or timeout ones, and I'd like to be able to streamline my mod set-up to reflect this.
This could be done either by making the mod icons customisable so I can choose which ones show up next to a username or by adding alternative methods of deleting comments, like right clicking or keyboard shortcuts. -
BurlierEarth7 commented
If you are in Mod View and Click on their username or type /user [Username], you can actually specify a custom timeout (in seconds). I see where you are going with this, but twitch has already integrated this, just not in a very good way. I agree it should be easier to find and use, so maybe just an easier way to use it?