Removing access of a streamer to a user first and last name through a donation
So I came to this conclusion when I saw the recent event that has taken place in a streamer stream that was called "Nadia" she exposed a user first and last name throughout the stream and even if she was banned for that. Not questioning the sentence whatsoever I think that this type of information should absolutely not be shown to any user of this platform and that, even to the person we donated to. Because even if twitch do explain and incite people to take legal action if doxing happens to them, i think that is not enough because this type of beaviour and situation severly endenger the privacy of someone. Just showing the username of the donator should be enought to take legal action if doxing happens to them, I think that is not enough because this type of behaviour and situation severely endanger the privacy of anyone. Just showing the username of the donator should be enough.
NightmareJoker2 commented
Twitch only makes available:
- user subscriptions
- gift subscriptions
- bits cheering, and
- hype chatsAny other form of "supporting a streamer" is not handled by Twitch and they can do nothing about it.
I'd wager you have used the tipping system of an external service like StreamElements or StreamLabs (which are by far the most popular ones) and used them to pay for an alert message, with a credit card or PayPal transaction to the broadcaster's PayPal account. PayPal will provide your name (as on your credit card details, or as account holder's name for your PayPal account) to the payment recipient (and their name or business name to you). If you do not want this, do not use PayPal. Use Twitch's options instead. 😉