Remove sexual content and re-classify what "sexual content" is according to Twitch's standards
If we're going to remove gambling for being a bad influence to children then I think it's past time to change the rules for sexual content and how Twitch classifies "sexual content". Exposing children to content like this can corrupt their mind and make them view sex as something it's not, which in the long run can effect their future relationships.
Pretending that parents can constantly be there to watch every move a kid makes online isn't going to change the reality of the situation for most normal families who don't have time. As parents we rely on the staff at Twitch to keep the platform safe of anything that might harm a child, we understand the occasional slip up now and then but blatantly allowing sexual content where streamers are in lingerie doing "yoga" with no punishment is inexcusable.
Other examples of an inappropriate scenario would be a hot tub stream where one is wearing lingerie. The type of clothing is especially blatantly sexual, as lingerie is quite literally something worn during the act of sex. With the current guidelines and the way the staff enforce them, Twitch is a gateway to **** addiction, and with **** addiction comes a plethora of other social / mental issues.
This topic has been heavily debated in the past, and I think with this last change it should no longer be a debate. Twitch has a prerogative of protecting children? Then REALLY protect children.
PandoranMama commented
1. It is not up to adults online to cater to or be responsible for /your kids/ deciding to bypass the rules and warnings of something being an adult space.
If you're so scared that adult content online is going to "corrupt their minds" then be a decent and responsible adult and teach your kids about safety and sex. That's on YOU to do!2. Online isn't just for kids and adults shouldn't have to give up their spaces for kids. We're allowed to exist and do adult things and we shouldn't have to worry about kids breaking OUR boundaries to access OUR spaces.
3. The only thing that should be done here is for twitch to completely separate the adult spaces from anywhere minors can find and/or interact with them.
4. In my experience online anyone that has a "think of the children" mindset usually doesn't actually care about kids and is using the kids as an excuse to attack the actual thing they don't want to see. If this is not the case then all my points still stand. If it is, then your disgust is not a measurement of morality and you should probably have a think about what it really is that you're against and why.
Dyerektor commented
Hello after the recent "Amouranth Domestic Abuse Case" its time to end all sexualization/sexploitation, hot-tubs, pole dancing etc content on Twitch and this also means the lingerie dress code etc.
Twitch has (although Unknowingly at the time) Platformed and profited from Amouranth's Domestic and it's absolutely shameless for Twitch and also includes any payment methods (credit card, Paypal etc) who have also taken a % profit off all the viewers (who again unknowingly) funded her continued domestic abuse Yous have a morale obligation at the very lest here and should apologise to Amouranth.
I'm disgusted No one is talking about this and angry that this issue is just being totally ignored! Twitch... Yous have profited thousands of $/£ from a vulnerable young woman's exploitation and domestic abuse this needs addressed and public statement issued.
1. You should get your accountant to find out how much Amouranth's hot-tub streams earned yous and donate that much into women's charity and or charity's for domestic abuse
2. Ban all sexualised content from your platform cos there are other girls being exploited and domestically abused etc and your platforming it.
Twitch I have been sending in reports, and emailing yous and nothing. I don't give a hoot yous are a huge US based company cos that just means i'l push even harder to make yous accept responsibility and make sure victim's and charity's get a n even bigger pay-out from you and your partner's!
Twitch address the issues or face the public backlash cos this aint even out yet but when people actually realise your profited from a young woman's domestic abuse your gonna have a hard time recovering from that.
many girls have been threatened and stalked with some been reported being physically attacked on the street! yous are incapable of platforming any adult or sexualised content responsibly or safely and that is also firm ground on why a ban on such content is the answer. yous probly don't even have a legal licence to be platforming some of the content that gos on in your site.
if yous want to branch out into sexualised content make a separate platform for it and don't mix **** with gaming, kids and vulnerable young women. yous can't run a streaming platform and have kids using and also have **** there too it's inappropriate and irresponsible.
Twitch last chance address the domestic abuse and the profits you made clean up your smutty site or your gonna feel public backlash so F'ing hard yous won't know wtf hit yous. yous have had plenty warnings and just greedily grab at the profits yous may also face severe legal action and investigations etc am sure yous have breach of many codes n laws which legal teams will have No problem investigating.
Yous have my details email etc if yous want to discuss this matter privately I'm happy for yous to contact me and help yous move forward.
Twitch You and your partners are not getting away with profiting and platforming domestic abuse I refer yous to the ongoing case against Visa and Pornhub in which victims of sexual abuse were filmed and the video uploaded to **** hub and is subject of an on going court case.
Sort it out Twitch be seen to be doing the right thing and let's stop this from being escalated to the point we to start a social media campaign to show the world what yous have done.