Should there be an option for viewers to never hear copyrighted music?
This could be an idea to utilize for current Partner and Affiliate Streamers in risk or in potential risk of DMCA. Whenever you load up any media sharing application on Discord, you have the option to share your screen; in this you can show anyone what is happening on your screen with your audio. For other streamed applications that are restricted for sharing in Discord's system like Netflix and Prime Video ( To say a few). This restriction doesn't allow visuals (not audio) in which you can only hear the video audio and your friends talking in a group chat. I understand the use of blocking music on a stream is near impossible, why not implement a tool for every viewer watching a streamer playing copyrighted music to remove all audio entirely, this change will help streamers in the future completely upon being under a risk for permanent banning and encourage them in a healthier way to stop playing copyrighted music. DISCLAIMER: This solution does not help the current DMCA strikes at the moment, but this tool will allow there to be no audio in the past clips with copyrighted music being played as well, as long as this is implemented sooner.