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223 results found

  1. Remove the offer to change payments in a region where it is not available.
    Why does Twitch in the control panel offer to change the payment method with a button directing there, if only 1 method is available in the list. Remove this offer in regions where it is not available. Otherwise it is misleading, alarming, saddens users and looks like bullying.

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  2. Дивився трансляцію , пише що дропси нараховано але в грі вони незявились

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  3. Sur Opera, j'ai plus accès a mes notification (il charge en continue), je peux plus gagner avec les bonus spéciaux et dépense mes point de chaine depuis que j'ai commence de stream mais sur google chrome je n'ai pas ces problème.

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  4. Toda vez que tento publicar Destaques/uploads, não funciona. Já atualizei a página várias vezes... Já atualizei o meu navegador e nada adiantou. Não sei mais o que fazer, e o tempo de expirar dos meus vídeos já está muito próximo de acabar. Única mensagem que aparece toda vez que tento publicar é: "Erro ao processar. Tente abaixo outra vez".

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  5. Currently, there is a bug since 2 weeks, when clicking "Highlight" in "Video Producer". The VOD itself is not muted when watching it on the page, but the viewer mutes the audio for whatever reason, confusing not only me it seems.
    Please fix, because highlight without proper audio and knowing when to cut is pointless.

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  6. I am using Shadow Play from Nvidia Geforce Experience to stream to Twitch.
    I ended my stream with the Shadow Play overlay, however Twitch seems to continue to thinks that I am still live and trying to detect data that is suppose to deliver to Twitch.

    The reason for using shadow play is due to the high quality recording of the actual game environment.
    I hope that there is some method for me to try to end the stream. Though at this point, I have no idea and cannot find any solid solution online.

    I which for your assistance on…

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  8. a plataforma parou de contabilizar os dias e as horas que faço de live e continuando dessa maneira estou perdendo todo o meu progresso em busca do afiliado!

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  9. En el apartado del editor de video presiono el boton de crear clip, también el comando (alt+x) y no se genera clip alguno.

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  10. I can't enable mature content. I did literally everything I can, but I get audio only for it. I hate it. I just want to watch Warfare but all the streams are under mature content. This is freaking annoying.

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  11. As of this week, highlights can no longer be created. Neither with another browser nor with a fresh cache. Seems to be a server side error, new API version? It would be good if that were corrected. Otherwise, active participation in Twitch is no longer worthwhile for me, since the stream videos will be deleted and the highlights can no longer be created as a possible option for a history.

    Highlights können seit dieser Woche nicht mehr erstellt werden. Weder mit einem anderen Browser, noch mit frischem Cache. Scheint ein serverseitiger Fehler zu sein, neue API-Version? Wäre gut wenn das…

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  12. I've tried resetting my stream key, disabling all connections, uninstalling and reinstalling my Twitch app and clearing my consoles cache yet nothing works.

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  13. When raiding, the amount of viewers I have rarely ever come. My recent raid I had 65 viewers and raided with only 12. I've had some other times with more viewers, and less coming through and it's more common! Any fix to that?

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  14. Whenever i edit and attempt to post a highlight, it gets stuck for eternity "processing highlight" and then i find myself trying again only for it to repeat the same instance again! Really frustrating, especially when you scrub through a lot of content and it takes hours at a time to do!!!!!! PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE!!!!!!!!!

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  15. my vods are stuck in 0.25 speed in the publish/unpublish/download/highlight/etc window preview thing, when I try to change it the whole thing shuts back to the mainscreen of dashboard -- (Windows 10 firefox)

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  16. Nessa última semana minha lives ficaram encerrando e iniciando sozinha durante minhas lives, tenho que ficar postando a live em partes cortadas porque criou varias .

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  17. 계속 방송을 킬때마다 사람이 한명으로 표기되고 업적에 평균 시청자가 별로 늘어나지 않습니다. 고쳐주시기 바랍니다.
    Every time I continue to broadcast, I mark it as one person, and I do not lose much middle-aged fat. I hope it gets delivered.

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  18. 1 vote

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  20. My streaming was cut short in the middle several times and my viewers were booted out several times as well. Help please.

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