A feature that notifies you about expiring VODs
We've all been there. Busy streaming or with life and forget to highlight/download our expiring VODs and poof they're gone forever. Important moments we will never get back.
Right now its solely on us to remember to highlight/download our stuff before it expires. For myself, and many others, if its not in our face we will forget its there. With the way the dashboard is now, it is so easy to forget about your expiring streams because its behind so many pages. Dashboard -> Content -> Video Producer -> Expiring.
I would like to propose a notification system, either on the dashboard home page or "my channel" notifications, that alerts you of how many videos you have expiring soon and will take you to your expiring page. For example;
A section on the home page that updates every time a video is about to or has already expired. "There are currently X videos expiring soon."
Every Sunday a notification is sent. "You have X videos expiring this week."
Old VODs are incredibly important for streamers to have. We learn and grow from them. And if we make it a little easier to access/remember to highlight/download them, I believe this is something that would really benefit both full-time AND part-time streamers.
troublegumcrunch commented
This is a fantastic idea. Especially for those of us who have a "out of sight out of mind" brain.
Wintorz commented
Simple but effective idea. If the onus is going to be on the creators to manage their content in order to promote growth, giving them basic, user focused tools to help manage their content is only ever a positive.
bulbasaauurr commented
i love this idea!