Issue when Custom HTML/CSS is toggled on
When Custom HTML/CSS is toggled on, even without making any changes, alerts fail to work.
I've tried testing using Preview Alert, Send Test Alert, and also with real alerts.
If Custom HTML/CSS is toggled off, then alerts work fine.
A simple thing I was trying to do was change the text to uppercase using the following:
text-transform: uppercase;
It works fine when I add that CSS to the Custom CSS box in OBS - this temporary workaround defeats the whole purpose of having Custom HTML/CSS in the Twitch Dashboard.
It would be great if an option to change the case style under Text & Speech > Font settings (UPPERCASE, lowercase, etc.) was added officially at some point.
Additionally, Text & Speech > Text Layout buttons do not apply as intended for "Top" or "Bottom".
When an image is added and the bottom right Layout is selected (Text on top of Image), Text Layout doesn't change the text position. Instead the Text remains in the center and the image is moved above and below it - sometimes getting cutoff depending on the sizes.
I had the image disabled, and the text just remained in the center without moving to the top of the alert box, or to the bottom, as anticipated when changing the Text Layout settings.
Last thing for now, under Goals there's the Alert Condition for Goal reached.
When this is selected, the preview alerts still show Goal started instead since that is the default.
Of course! You put in a lot of effort to write this out. The team would like some clarification regarding the following:
"When Custom HTML/CSS is toggled on, even without making any changes, alerts fail to work.
I’ve tried testing using Preview Alert, Send Test Alert, and also with real alerts."
When this happens, does the sound play? Does anything show on the screen? Does it change when the screen is sized differently? Additionally, do you recall what the time frame was when you tried to do make these changes? Thank you!
samsgreconnection commented
@psihotronus I am still looking for the reason...
I've always had problems with writing texts. Even when I was in school, I used to rely on to write essays. Over time, I got used to it and it started to get a little better. But I still haven't figured out this current problem. -
psihotronus commented
Have you found the reason for that issue??
AgentDave7 commented
I have a better VOD for review now, addressing some of the questions and also comparing a new fresh alert box to the old one. Good news, alerts were being sent, but there was an issue with the duration. For some reason the animation duration was being cut short which is why I had thought that it had failed to send entirely.
I tried to better explain what I encountered in my latest VOD:
Hope it's more helpful than the first VOD I posted. If there's more I can do, I'd be happy to. :)
AgentDave7 commented
I stream behind the scenes content on my stream, would a VOD be useful?
I captured the settings page (which was normal size on a second monitor) and also had the Browser Source active (set as 1920x1080 on Twitch and in my OBS). I had the sound alerts removed most of the time, as I had only wanted text to be displayed.
I'd be happy to do more precise testing as you've outlined above, and get back to you! :)
AgentDave7 commented
Thank you very much Ana for retrieving this information that I could no longer access, and posting it on my behalf! :D