ortalama izleyici
the average viewer is 3 people the task does not happen somehow 9 people came to my broadcast yesterday and watched it for 2 hours, but still 5 people watched it, the analysis is wrong, please help
The average viewer count is calculated based on the number of viewers at each moment of your stream - it is not based on a maximum. Please also note that it may take up to 48 hours for the Achievements page to register this information. Thank you for your patience!
tommygunzttv commented
I stream daily sometimes 2 and 3 times a day and i well have about 3 to 5 views and my view percentage was at 2.08 out of 3.00 then out of no where it went down from 2.08 to 1.61 it makes no sense and every day it gets lower
luiz_soares_ commented
tenho um canal que pego 3 espectadores simultaneos mas tem vezes que cai para 1, eu sempre pérgunto para eles e confirmo que tem realmente 3 espectador. (pode ser que o contador de espectador esteja bugado), poderem resolver irao me ajudar mt. OBRIGADO PELA ATENÇAO <:
hiswalker commented
entao venho relatar que preciso da media de 3 espectadores para realizar a conquista mas minha live tem em media 5 a 8 pessoas mas a meta de 3 pessoas n conta, o mesmo vale dos seguidores tenho 100 e diz que tenho menos, o que me incomoda e que por mais que tenha pessoas na live a conquista nao conta, precisa de 3 pessoas assistindo mas nao conta de jeito nenhum, tenho 8 pessoas assistindo mas diz q to com um e ate memsmo na media de vizualizaçao diz que a media de vizu foi de 4,0 tantos mas na meta de 3 pessoas nao conta ficanco em apenas 1,55 e bem baixo
soyskil commented
Muy buen día el motivo de esta publicación es para comunicarle que el día de ayer 3 de mayo hice un streaming pero al entrar el día de hoy 4 de mayo me doy cuenta que no está reflejado la media de espectadores espero tener una respectiva respuesta.
Muchas gracias y que tengan una feliz tarde -
soyskil commented
Muy buen día el motivo de este mensaje es para comunicarles que el día de ayer hice un en vivo pero al entrar a twitch me doy cuenta que no me contestan la media de espectadores y quiciers saber el porqué gracias.
kato0895 commented
Hola buen día, tengo un problema en cuestión de la media de espectadores, ya que e transmitido varios días seguidos y no sube la media y otra que en vez de subir me esta bajando, tenia 1.87 de la media y hoy me aparece que tengo 1.82.... me pueden apoyar, gracias
DekuTarot commented
This is not a suggestion I am just confused as to why my average viewer numbers is so off? It should be much higher than 2.55/3 considering how many people were viewing my stream at the same time and chatting during my last streams. The other day I averaged at the lowest 7 viewers during the entire stream and consistently had 4-10 chatters chatting. I also gained over 20+ followers, and yet these numbers have not changed for over a month. I know that "different chatters" and "Viewers" are different which is why I am bringing this up so please do not try and explain to me that these are different things. I know this already and I have had a much higher average in both than 2.55/3. this number has not changed or grown for months, and at this point this has to be a bug.
I do not understand why this number has not been updated at all and it does not seem fair or right after I did the math and averaged them out myself. I want this to be changed because it is not currently correct and for some reason it will not change.
To me, it seems Twitch waits way too long to change the average viewer numbers when they have increased. I have seen this problem come up a lot with other streamers on the verge of becoming affiliate. Please fix this, it is not fair considering how much work and time we put into our streams and to see that the number has not changed when it should is extremely disappointing and frustrating. Fix this issue.
Kay_Jr_ commented
Viewer count does not update. Currently have 3 viewers in chat but it says I am only averaging 1 view. How can this be fixed because I am real close to becoming affiliate
jaybo902 commented
on my stream summary is says i have 2.7 but when i go on to me channel analytics is says i have 2.4 on the same stream
can any one help about this
naolater commented
So my issue right now is for the past 30 days my viewers count has been pretty decent rating between 4-8 viewers and sometimes even 10. Explain to me why my average viewer count is still only at 2.8?!?!?! I'm never one to voice anything but this is ridiculous if the average viewer count doesn't add up correctly. Maybe there should be a better explanation on how the view counts work and maybe I might be misunderstanding the concept of it. But if I am misreading the data on my channel please explain to me or else if my math is correct, I should be or have been affiliated already.
slideonamfka commented
Dear Twitch Staff,
The viewer count on my stream is very inaccurate. Therefore I can not meet the average viewer requirement for affiliate status... Even though there's 3+ people chatting, and viewing the stream, it sits at 1 viewer almost always, affecting my overall average negatively. Please address this immediately. I stream consistently and almost full time work hours every week (so around40+ hrs/wk)
and plan to stream full time going forward. I know I'd make a great addition to the affiliate program, but lately I'm wondering if I've been shadow banned? That's almost how it feels when I'm conversing with multiple viewers in chat and I'm sitting at 0-1 viewers continuously. At first it was disheartening, but now I realize its a technical error. Please address this ASAP. Thank You
Slide -
troutki commented
Ok so in my stream summary says I have 6 average viewers. But the month summary says 1.3 average viewers, so im a bit confused.