Emote prefix
To be honest; I get that you can not choose whatever Emote Prefix you want as an Affiliate but why does the auto generated Prefix butcher your name? Why must be a number added? The number seriously bothers me
古德歐拉 commented
I think it's need to be free change at the first time, and don't auto generate number.
SilverxxRose1 commented
When I reached affiliate status I didn't even get anything similar to my username, they gave me twitch3988. Like this does not match my username in the slightest. I changed my username to see if maybe it was bugged and it still gave me twitch with random numbers.
Helldog136 commented
I want the number to match the one in my pseudo...
FallenOneArt commented
I want to remove the number
SchoolieDee commented
No idea why there's a random "66" on mine.
I can see the Partner benefit being great to choose your own prefix, but can we at least choose different characters for those 2 random numbers?
TheHealingWhisperer commented
Meaningless random added number is very annoying.
DarkWolf80s commented
This is very true. I recently added my emot for the first time it is just horribly butchered.