Make it easier to get affiliate
Make it so that your followers can active an improvement - once every fortnight they can active a twelve-hour buff that puts you near the top of your category, but only if you don't have affiliate
djwilliamsgaming commented
I'm Almost affiliate and sure its a grind to hit the Average Views but twitch does that for a reason if it was just followers then people would just follow with multiple email addresses and then it wouldn't feel real ive been streaming for about a month and i have grown really well i am at 2.53 average views and the grind is the best part
DGJhull02 commented
Make it easier to become affiliated
AliSF98 commented
ich streame seit 4 monaten und habe circa 3 bis 10 zuschauer und habe immer noch affiliate nicht erreicht das ist echt schade den mir mache streamen auf twitch ech spaß aber wenn das so weiter geht stream ich lieber auf youtube dort habe ich 8K abos
ThatGuyNamedTayTay commented
its bad to have 3 views for the entire stream and end with 1 view
borxe_t4t0 commented
bajara la media de espectadores para conseguir el afiliado
borxe_t4t0 commented
bajara la media de espectadores para conseguir el afiliado
angulobiel commented
Eu sofro pelo mesmo motivo..
regen_cryox commented
You know people follow and then dont watch so once they hit there hours dont add on and when they dont have people on a stream dont just remove 1 or 2 of avrage viewers thats hard to gain back!
regen_cryox commented
You know people follow and then dont watch so once they hit there hours dont add on and when they dont have people on a stream dont just remove 1 or 2 of avrage viewers thats hard to gain back!
Zero_083 commented
I'm all for working hard. There is a sense of absolute pride when you finally succeed after a very long time of hard work and finally hitting the finish line. And my finish line is being able to become affiliate!
But the "Average of 3 viewers" is very bothersome, as well for a few others I have talked to.
I can never tell what it's doing. One minute is almost at .80/3, next thing I know I'm almost back at the beginning. I've got 3 people who automatically host me, I've had random hosts as well, I've had raids before, and yet no matter what I do It never seems to go up. I'm sorry, but it's frustrating.
Everything else is plan and simple and to the point. I know what I have to do, I work on completing it, and that part is always done. This 'Average of 3 viewers' out of EVERYTHING is just absolutely confusing.
So my suggestion is either;
- Change it to make it less confusing. And easier to understand.
- Remove it and perhaps replace it with something else to be able to gain affiliate.
- Or Upgrade it; make it better and worth working for. -
sea_chef commented
Instead of being an average of 3 viewers to become a twitch affiliate for cooking shows. It's should be viewing per show.Cooking shows are far harder to gain traction due to twitch platform being focussed on gaming.
I have 53 followers. Had 8 people online last night but only have an average or 2.5 -
Verdoomed commented
Need to make it easier to get
NSNxCHEFMASTER1914 commented
I been Streaming for 28 days and i have about 5 ppl in my stream every time and im still not at 3.0 to be an affiliate y'all need to fix that because I meet all of the requirements and I'm still not an affiliate
kilo_dreamz commented
make it so you only have to get 2 average viewers
4setparrot commented
Affiliate is earned with hard work. The bar is already pretty low.
BRRave commented
aynı durumu bende yasıyorum ve bu benı cok uzuyor lutfen ılgılenın artık
SandraDee76 commented
I have had 3 or more people on can not get affiliate. You should make it where it does not go down after 2.50 just go up. I have been streaming for longer then my sister she got it before me and she never has that many in her stream does not figure out to me. Thank you for reading this God bless
qwerty77718 commented
i recently achieved all the requirements for affiliate within the 30 days but the invite hasn't come and i'm worried it wont, my idea would be to make the invite automatic once you complete the last achievement.
op_jacuub commented
I would like to see affiliate be only 2 to 2.5 average viewers to get
scuffedw commented
i have been streaming in 150,21 hours this month i see its impossible to reach affiliate-status i have been streaming consatant for manny months now i was at 2.60 then down to 2.06 i have 162 followers and my total streamtime is at 592,71 hours is it realy that hard to reach affiliate ? or are ppl using view bots??