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44 results found

  1. If by accident or due to a glitch on the software (happened this last one to me twice), you can restore deleted videos in a short period of time. also adding a confirmation button, just in case of a glitch.

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  2. Please create a way that any user can curate their own playlist of favourite clips. Currently, people only have access to a list of clips they've personally made in their dashboard, but it would be great to be able to add clips across many channels to a single playlist regardless of who created them. Many people already do this off-site anyway, and clips that you haven't personally created are difficult to find. It would be great to see a way for people to bring all their favourite moments to one convenient place.

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    Gathering Interest  ·  Ana responded

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  3. a check mark box that hides a vod or clip from public, and an option to set that as default, this would give streamer/editor the ability to check a vod or clip before it is publicly viewable. but also leave stuff the way it is for people that don't use it.
    no downside on server, vods won't last longer then they do, and clips are already there until you delete.

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  4. Let us edit clips we made during stream afterward!

    Now that the Moments beta is being rolled back, I'd love to see parts of Moments brought to regular clips. My favorite part of Moments as a streamer was being able to clip something mid-stream and then easily be able to edit it right after the stream.

    I could use markers mid-stream and go clip things that I marked afterward, but it's difficult scrubbing through the entire vod to get the right clippable window for each marker. (I have tried this, it's such a pain that it never ends up happening)

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  5. Streaming software first ask what you want as youtube title and info (link youtube account on streaming software) when you hit the 'Go live' button for going live on Twitch. You do your streaming, when you end the stream by clicking on Stop streaming, that very stream stays on Twitch for 3 days or so. Once the 3 days are up, the VOD is deleted off Twitch and goes on to streamer's YouTube channel.

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  6. I have had VODs unpublished due to things like detecting copyrighted content in a game I was playing, which is fine on it's own. I can just republish the VOD, or allow the clip to be muted, and any subsequent VODs due to forgetting to switch VOD publishing back on can be republished. However, the chat does not re-associate with any clips made that stream even when the VOD is published again. I would appreciate having the chat available for these moments, especially when the stream JUST happened.
    It's also unfortunate that a VOD's expiry deletes the chat replay from…

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  7. This makes sense because the Editor Role already has access to manage clips, highlights and VODs. The Editor Role already has access to export VODs to YouTube.
    So the editor role should be able to use the Clip Editor and export them to other platforms.

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  8. Whenever I go into a streamer’s clip page I see no clips because I always have to disable it. Please don’t make it automatically sort by featured clips I just want to see cool clips I don’t wtf a featured clip is and none of my favorite streamers have any so it’s very annoying.

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  9. the feature for having VOD only streaming tracks so things like music can get cut out was awesome, would be super cool to be able to have "stream track" and "VOD track" for software like OBS to implement controls for, which would be super useful to cut things out of the VOD such as sub goal overlays for uses like editing VODs into youtube videos that look cleaner

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  10. It should be possible for a streamer to break the vod/start a new vod without restarting the stream.

    We might need to delete the start of a stream but leave the rest of the video being recorded to

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  11. Occasionally, I will be watching a stream live and I need to leave before the end. I will then pull up the vod the next day but the length of the vod is somewhat of a spoiler. I am suggesting a feature that hides the total vod length behind a spoiler toggle. If the toggle is off the true time of the vod is displayed, otherwise it will obfuscate the true length and show the current play time as "latest" or 0:00 like a livestream.

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  12. Right now, when you click the username of the person who created a clip in the "clips of your channel" overview, it links to that person's own clips page on their channel. These users often aren't streamers, and either way it's not particularly relevant to go to clips of another channel when reviewing your own channel's clips. Instead, I propose that clicking the user name should bring up the user card for that person, so you can confirm if they are following you or their previous chat history, which is much more relevant information if you need to check if…

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  13. It is either unclear or not possible to remove a clip from the "Featured Clips" aside from deleting the clip. Allow users an easy way to un-feature clips.

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    Gathering Interest  ·  Ana responded

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  14. The clip editing system is sensational. It saves time and also money, as there are websites that require you to pay to do this service.
    But I believe there are still some "simple" tools that will help a lot.
    - Cut the clip. There are some clips that you are not interested in at the beginning or end of it, but there is no trim option. With that in mind, the cutting tool would be interesting, which allows you to cut the video timeline and edit it however you want (only in the clip, obviously).
    - Option to customize my…

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  15. Now that the featured clips have gone live people are now going to random streams and spamming clips in random moments in vods. I was hoping that maybe there'd be a way to delete all clips from certain users on your channel. Like an option by their name when you click on the clip that says "delete all clips from this user." It would make things a lot easier than having to go through and select them all.

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  16. It's been behaving like this for about a week or two now.

    I'll make a highlight with a very specific length and when I play it back it's longer than it should be


    When I created this I used 1:19:47-1:20:38 from the source broadcast, or 51 seconds long

    Yet the final video plays beyond the 51 second mark and ends up being 59 seconds somehow!?

    See also, mark a chunk, have a cut and mark another chunk. The finished product has no cuts for some reason?

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  17. I use the Highlighter to trim my VODs. Highlights are then added to themed Collections on Twitch, and are also exported to YouTube. Today is 1st October, and within the last week I have noticed a frustrating inconsistency between the Highlight video playback on Twitch and the version exported to YouTube. Highlights I’ve created before 19th September are not affected.

    In summary.
    A Highlight video is made with single or multiple segments based on the VOD timecodes. The authored Highlight video in the Twitch video player does not play the segments at the timecodes set in the editor, instead each…

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  18. コレクションにまとめた動画の順番を変更する方法が、今のところ手作業しかできない。動画の数が多くなってくると非常に大変な作業です。

    The only way to change the order of the videos in a collection is currently by hand. This is a very difficult task when the number of videos becomes large.
    I would like it to be possible to change the order automatically without having to do it manually.
    For example, "oldest first", "newest first", "by name", etc.
    Thank you in advance.

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  19. At the moment we're only able to see the relative timestamp (i.e. "x days ago", "x months ago", etc) when we're viewing a video or clip.

    To make it consistent with the experience when browsing videos, add the absolute timestamp of a video/clip when hovering over the relative timestamp just below the player/above the title.

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  20. I love to make clips, it's one of my favorite ways to interact with the community. I think I'm well over 1000 clips created at this point, mostly from one streamer's channel. Trying to find anything is a nightmare. The best way I've found to search is to sort by date and scroll until I think I'm in the range of the clip I want, press ctrl+F, and type in a word I think is in the title. Then, because I can't read more than one or two words from the title column, I have to guess which one on…

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