Please add the chat box for streaming on console
I would love to see a chat box with the time that i have been streaming all together I have missed messages from people when i was not looking at my laptop
can you make that happen thanks.
DodgyGamer1 commented
Twitch seems like they only care about PC streamers or they care more about PC streamers than they do with console streamers. All you have to do is pay attention is so obvious
DodgyGamer1 commented
All console players please vote for this let's make this happen!!!!
MuTombo99 commented
Just please make a twitch studio app for console and you will fix every single console streamers issues.
DrJohnbrown commented
You could use chat before last update they ****** everything up.last console update
SirFlankBoring commented
I still support this idea
Kroigs commented
3 years since this idea was published and still nothing. I wonder when the Twitch app for Xbox will stop being just an experiment and become something serious.
TheOnlyCupid commented
Now, this idea really belongs in the console section, but I believe it should be said here too.
There is no way for Xbox streamers to see their chat comfortably, some streamers such as myself stream from their Xbox but have no real good way of seeing the chat while gaming. I have seen this been brought up and talked about among other Xbox streamers, as well as streamers for other consoles as well. It's a widespread issue that hinders the quality of the stream for console streamers and viewers alike.
It's hard for a streamer on a console to interact with their viewers when they don't have the ability to see what they say. The only way I've been able to overcome this issue is by running the stream on my phone, which even then isn't a viable option 100% of the time.I hope you consider this idea, it would mean a lot to me and many other streamers.
Thank you.
(edit: they merged my idea into this one lol)
aboby21 commented
Would it be a chat bot feature for Xbox while streaming on twitch
Ken_Koerperich commented
PS5 chat "bubbles" are so f'n small, people can't type in more than 60 keystrokes before it's cut off and lost....Needs to be a side bar/box on the right middle side that keeps the chat active/scrolling so it can be watched....
BTRHDemon commented
Can you add chat box for the Xbox so console streamers read there chat
TheRealMoldyCheese commented
on console like Xbox make it so you can see chat on on the side of the screen while your in a game so you don't need a second device to see chat
SkyeTheNeko commented
Annoyingly enough at first Twitch did have a chat box feature for Xbox not sure on PS but they removed it to get people downloading the Twitch app instead. Wasn't the best as you could only see chat if you for example on Xbox if you pressed the Home button but it was there so Twitch could easily implement it in a better way as it would be a lot easier
tntomgboom commented
Give Console streamers the power to see their own chat
jan_duivenvoorden commented
same problem, please fix this!!!
Supinesix3 commented
This definitely has to be patched up
wratboi commented
Fix this. How can you grow if you alientate an entire console base?
MrOmzz commented
need this fixed please
yeast_stream commented
Same here, huuuge issue. Pls fix asap!
srcr4stian commented
Riggzo commented
Xbox and Twitch need to work on this resolution. Recording DVR doesnt capture game chat and neither does twitch. Its a no win situation for up and coming streamers.