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578 results found

  1. I think having a Twitch staff member, or a "police presence", present during partnered stream would help mitigate some of the misbehavior coming from both the streamer and viewers at times.

    I think having a Twitch staff member present would drastically help resolve issues and correct problematic behavior faster and more efficiently. It would also cut down on the responsibility being solely placed on the streamer/viewer to collect evidence/write a report (that they may not be able to do because it is often made difficult due to how the report feature currently functions, because of a language barrier, or fear…

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  2. We need additional buttons at the bottom of the chat next to the "setting" button, such as "subscribers-only mode" and "emote-only mode" instead of open settings or type command, or turn into mod view.

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  3. A big trend with peoples responses to streamers or users being moderated is the ‘unfairness’ of decisions made and the comparison to other situations while not being aware of the reason for the decisions made.

    Suggestion: Create a central, public page, this can be searchable by userid, username (partial/full), message content (p/f). This allows you to find streamers, users, botnets, repeat offenders and provides you a page of the content that caused them to be flagged for moderation + their chat logs.

    The details page should show the escalation stage of punishment that users were hit by, thus transparently explaining…

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  4. I am a moderator in twitch chat and this feedback is in regard to the recent feature that you added to the website that allows people to submit requests to be unbanned.
    A feature that I believe should be added is a cool down period of 2 to 4 weeks in which the person who is banned is not allowed to submit an unban request. As it stands currently users who are banned can submit a request to be unbanned almost immediately and it feels like the band punishment is not as severe as it used to be for that…

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  5. It would be important for those of us who use this medium to share, know and interact with those who broadcast live or with whom we communicate, the moderators are also controlled. Today a moderator banned me and removed from the chat just for fun and it's annoying. I mean, can a moderator delete contacts and I don't know about it and control it? There should be a method to avoid these bad times and thus prevent one from losing interest in the system as well as followers. There should be a mechanism to report them and take away their…

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  6. i wanted more moderator options on the twitch app will this ever happen? or has it been an idea or ect

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  7. Include a setting that the streamer can set to moderate gifted subs.

    Streamers can turn on and set a threshold setting where the gifted subs need to be approved.

    Therefore, if I set my threshold to 100, that means if one user gifts more than 100, I must approve it.

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  8. Have a slow mode for subscribers.

    There is a possibility for partners to activate a setting in which all subs are immune to slow mode.

    My idea is that there are two different slow modes, one for all users (the one that already exists) and one for subs. My idea is that both are controlled either by chat commands or from mod view.

    This would be useful if you would like to give the Subscribers who are supporting you another benefit, also, as they're paying (or supporting with Prime) they probably are less likely to spam or disobey rules.


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  9. 1 vote

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  10. I keep "show moderation actions" turned on (adds ban/timeout/delete buttons next to names in chat) in the two channels I moderate.

    The other day I accidentally banned someone while on the chat emote menu, with a simple jiggled-mouse misclick. Turns out the tiny sliver of ban button visible on the left side of the emote/bit panels works just fine.
    I don't care whether I see it, I just don't think it should be usable. In my opinion, the only functional ban buttons should be ones with chat displayed next to them.
    I can't imagine any reason a person would reasonably…

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  11. My issue is that mod settings appear before non-mod settings. I do not use the mod settings that often, and I have sometimes cleared chat by accident.

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  12. Allow mods to highlight users so that they can see them easier in chat. This would make it easier to mod repeat offenders.

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  13. It’s reprehensible that Twitch does not have better protections for streamers. We know without the content from streamers, twitch would no longer exist.

    Not allowing the repeat creation of fake user accounts within a given time period would be a start. Also settings for a streamer to automatically timeout chat from accounts created in the last x number of minutes/hours.

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  14. If another moderator hurries to Deny a message, all info pertaining to this message is lost as it removes itself. Could this potentially remain but just have the button removed and say (Actioned by ModeratorExample123)?

    This allows us to deny the message, add the blocked terms and then also timeout/ban the user in question.

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  15. The new moderator chat feature is a really good base point for enabling moderators to do great work but can I suggest some more options for the future of this feature? Options such-as being able to search the chatlog (maybe by date or just by words) , being able to delete your mod comments, and real time refresh on the chat when were pop out mode

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  16. Hey peeps, I was wondering if we could have the blacklist word filtering system be where subs can say certain words but non subs cant. For example if someone says "can you add me?" I would want subs to say this but not everyone.

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  17. This might be something rather cool if you implement moderators for a specific game category. To clarify, users who have been watching a specific game for quite a while will be given moderator privileges to help with smaller channels. Of coarse, this privilege could be removed if users abuse this power and the channel broadcaster still has the option to ban them from their channel. Just a suggestion I think would be pretty neat, feel free to post any thoughts about this! :)

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  18. I was looking into the Automod settings on the Creator Dashboard and noticed the various automod categories that are there already. While I think these are very important to have, I would also like to see a misandrist category there as well.

    I feel that having both the Misandrist and Misogyny are important to have for the safety of all streamers / content creators on the platform.

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