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54 results found

  1. I would love a global moderator role for twitch teams (that the twitch team leader could assign), so they can work or moderate in any of the team members chats.

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  2. I believe a feature in one's settings that makes it so moderators of the channel can't moderate without having Two Factor Authentification activated would be super useful, with this new optional settings it could dramatically decrease the amount of compromised moderator accounts while also raising more awareness for 2FA

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  3. Random Twitch users are granting Moderator roles to my friends and I. We are not associated with the random Twitch users' channels nor communities. However, we are now forced to be linked to people who use terrible language and put others down. There is a link internal to Twitch and if somehow we found ourselves in these awful channels, we would be seen as Moderators.

    It does not matter if we are not followed to these channels. It does not matter if the random Twitch users are added to our block lists.

    We need a safety feature that prevents random…

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  4. Hey!

    I know a lot of streamers (including me) who have a "self sacrifice" channel point redemption and my MODS for some reason always want to redeem it...

    I was wondering if we can get timeout that don't remove MOD status to a MOD but when banned that their MOD status would still be removed.

    I know it is this way to prevent anyone with access to the person's account that is MOD or the MOD themselves posting, breaking rules. I've had MODs break rules and do some pretty awful stuff (Try to ban everyone) but most part IMO if…

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  5. It would be great to bring back the Global Moderator program. I think it would keep streams a safer space, especially for newer streamers who do not need a full time mod but someone to shout people out or to handle unruly chat.

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  6. I have reported a handful of accounts that use ablelist slurs as their usernames. I don't want to type them here but I am happy to help provide examples if contacted. Even Beyonce and Lizzo have changed lyrics in recent years to address this issue. I have never seen these accounts dealt with. This seems to be a blind spot in the programming or awareness of the moderation team on Twitch. Please update your guidelines or filters to include ableist slurs ASAP.

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  7. Allow a Mod on Mobile to make predictions and polls. Right now all you can do is join in but if no other mod is on the computer and the streamer needs assistance with the predictions mods on their mobiles can not help at all.

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  8. Add a un-follow and ban button to the follower list in creator dashboard per follower on the list for easy moderation!!!

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  9. Moderators are important individuals on Twitch who dedicate a significant amount of time voluntarily to maintain a clean environment. They play a crucial role in supporting streamers and fostering the formation of communities.
    Will there be a possibility in the future for communities to support moderators? Or is this something that is not considered by Twitch?

    I am active in several communities and know that the viewers would always like to send something to the moderators as a thank you. Currently we have to run all this via third parties or streamers forward the bits to the moderators, for example.…

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  10. Ban thirst traps. This platform used to be for gamers and creators, now it seems to be about lazy thirst traps wanting a quick buck. Ban hot tub streams and require a dress code of sorts to keep thirst traps off the platform. Have some respect for the creators that they steal views from just because their basically naked.

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  11. I am a Mod in a couple of channels and I do take moderation very seriously. I also try to keep Twitch a safe place, as much as possible.

    What happened:
    A streamer I mod for was the victim of insults and hateful speech yesterday (June the 11th 2024). The perpetrator was reported by myself and other Mods of the victim. The insults/speech were done during the perpetrators stream. They were live at the same time as the victim. (no VOD)

    In less than a minute after the report, I have already received an answer from Twitch, that no violation…

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  12. Please stop the e-thots and e-whores meta. Provide meaningful moderation and end the sexual themes. Be a grown adult and realize what you're doing is wrong for both company image and customer views of the company.

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  13. I'm sure I'm not the only streamer that does this. But I have a Tarot card reward in my chat, and one of the possible Tarot cards will mute you for 30 seconds. When I initially made this reward, I was not expecting one of my VIPs to be marked as "Suspicious."

    As a result, I'm now worried that people on my channel, or any channel, that uses similar rewards may cause people to be labeled "suspicious" just for playing games on a stream.

    My suggestion: Do away with "suspicious activity" on viewers that have only received timeouts for small…

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  14. Edit the effect of Timeouts for members with Editor role to be similar to members with VIP role.

    Timing out Editors removes their editor role, and the Streamer has to assign it again. It's similar to when a Streamer times out a Mod and they lose the Mod role. We ask that the Streamer have the only power to remove the Editor role, not by a simple timeout

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  15. Would like to give specific mods extra privlidges, like a Super Mod to control other mods and channel specific things.

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  16. As a feature request, Allow MODs to see & moderate created clips, currently only available to channel editors. and account owners.

    My suggestion allow MODs to 1) see all channel clips for channel they moderate for 2) edit clip titles 3) "Disable" a clip making it Private, non viewable or indexable on internet. Then keep Delete function for Editors & channel owners.

    With this I'd also suggest adding a Clips API endpoint so a person or 3rd party service could generate a CSV file of all clips on a channel. This should also be accessible to MODs & Channel owners…

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  17. How is it a half naked woman can play a stream where she literally has the game playing on her **** cheek or her ****** not be considered sexual content and yet a male identified or looking person gets stream taken down because they have their shirt off?

    You are incentivizing such content as they get massive viewer numbers for something which is obviously meant to be ****.

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  18. A stream should not be stuck on "Interal Error" when trying to report a stream for being anti-LGBTQIA+, discriminating, stigmatizing, being racist, being violent, so on and so forth.

    I am unable to report a streamer for being extremely transphobic and anti-LGBTQIA+, I have reported some of her mods and have gotten one banned already along with a few chatters.

    The report function is so annoying to use after typing up about 4 to 5 paragraphs to the point where clicking "Report" and not being able to successfully report the stream because it says "Internal Error"

    Do Twitch Staff applications…

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  19. Allow streamers To send Recorded streams to the devs or the mods for their defense against wrongful reporting from non- streamers looking to cause problems.

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  20. A notorious DDoS/DOX'er troll has been plaguing many different games long enough to warrant this thread. He's pretty good at it, I'll give him that, but hitting us all offline constantly IS a felony, and incredibly annoying. He's known as 'nan0,' but has made thousands of accounts over the years, getting around streamer IP masking and VPN protections somehow just to troll streamers.

    He goes into your chats with new accounts, waits for you to queue into matchmaking, snipes you, gets your IP, and hits you offline. He's not the only one, but he's the best I've come across since…

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