Prevent random Twitch users from granting us the Moderator role without our knowledge or consent
Random Twitch users are granting Moderator roles to my friends and I. We are not associated with the random Twitch users' channels nor communities. However, we are now forced to be linked to people who use terrible language and put others down. There is a link internal to Twitch and if somehow we found ourselves in these awful channels, we would be seen as Moderators.
It does not matter if we are not followed to these channels. It does not matter if the random Twitch users are added to our block lists.
We need a safety feature that prevents random Twitch users from granting us the Moderator role without our knowledge or consent. There is too great of an abuse potential otherwise. A two-way confirmation is a good compromise.
PeanutButterRampaige commented
Honestly, I've been fortunate enough that the people that do give me moderator rights are not nefarious - however, I agree that this is a WONDERFUL idea. We should be able to protect ourselves from malicious people.... but also be allowed to say no (even to acquaintances or friends) that wish for us to be moderators.
Being a moderator may be a privilege but it's also responsibility that sometimes... I don't want to be responsible for! I should have the right to say NO THANK YOU.
Shinomiya_s commented
I also agree. It is definitely needed. Like instead of just adding them, the User will get a request with a notification first, and they have to accept or decline it. If they decline it, the user should also get the possibility to block/ all the requested from the Streamer they declined/ the streamer can not add them again until the user doesn't unblock the request from that channel.
WooZyDice commented
TomParkes1993 - You misunderstood the request.
Other people can mod you without your consent. That is the issue. You can be associated with people who champion hateful ideas and bullying, unknowingly wearing their badge of moderation as a symbol of relations.
WooZyDice commented
I found out today that I was a moderator for someone I blocked. Why doesn't Twitch automatically remove my moderator status when I block someone?
Seriously, who would keep a moderator that blocked the channel they "mod" for?
TomParkes1993 commented
I don't understand your "a high security risk".
If you're gonna mod someone and they don't want it, /unmod is a thing.
And if you're gonna mod someone and they are gonna abuse it, they'll still agree to the TOS just to get the sword in the first place.
PatricksVinyl commented
There needs to be consent by a Moderator when assigned by a Channel Owner before that user confirms and accepts their role as Moderator. At a minimum there should be a pop-up / click-through TOS reminding the prospective Moderator that they are agreeing to be a Moderator for that channel -- prior to just being assigned Moderator status by a Channel Owner without agreeing first. The Moderator role comes with all different terms of service as well, which the Moderator should knowingly agree/consent to.
Please consider this urgent! This is a high security risk!