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103 results found

  1. Ban the word "r*tard" and all variations from Twitch. This is hate speech. Recently, Twitch put a ban on words like "simp," "incel," and "virgin." Meanwhile, there are many partnered streamers, including Asmongold, one of the biggest streamers on Twitch, constantly using the R word and sees no problem with it, therefore influencing their audience of tens of thousands of Twitch users to do the same.

    There are many, many, many articles on the internet explaining why and how the word is harmful, hate speech, and a slur. Most people don't even have to read them to know this. Recently…

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  2. Currently the only possibility for managing links is to disable them all together. This replaces them with '***' in chat for everyone but the sender. Add an alternative to make AutoModerator hold all links for review instead so mods can allow them on a case to case basis. If no mod is there the result would be the same, no links in chat.

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  3. Hello, I have recently discovered that Twitch considers the following words to be against content guidelines:


    I am asking that these words be whitelisted in support of Twitch's vast queer community. It can be assumed these words were banned to cut down on trolling in the communities. However, I feel it should be the people who misuse these words who are regulated and punished. Not the queer people who's identities are being attacked and invalidated by having these words banned. This month is pride month and Twitch is showcasing queer creators on the front page every day…

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  4. I believe that Twitch should add REGEX support for Automod "Blocked words and phrases". This would be a very helpful feature for chat moderation since a lot of users can easily get past the blocked term by intentionally misspelling a word. This would also allow streamers to enforce English only characters in chat. I'm aware that twitch allows using the "*" wildcard but in many instances this is simply not enough.

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  5. My name in twitch has been fine for years but a newly added term has been added that makes my name offensive according to your system. This has some unintended consequences, such as stopping people using mentions directed at me or using my emotes. I recall an old server in a game I played having banned variations of "****" in chat, thus "ridiculous" ended us being banned. If a legitimate word contains a banned word, should the legitimate word be banned too? Obviously not.

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  6. A few words can be used for good or bad in many different contexts. When we get a message on a good context and we allow the message, we are adding the word on the permitList which can be dangerous if used on a wrong scenario.

    Example: ***.
    Good scenario: My sleep schedule is *
    ** right now.
    Bad Scenario: This streamer is ******.

    If the good message comes first and then the bad message, the second message will not be blocked by automod.

    Idea: having a third option, other than accept and deny message, on automod to allow…

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  7. Allow mods/streamers to know/see if someone is actively trying to get around the channel's banned word list. For example, if we ban the word "test", it would be helpful to know if some is franticly typing every version of that word like "t e s t", t3st", "t3$t", etc. If we use a bot like Fossa, it will quickly nuke the message and the streamer is likewise able to hide moderation dialogues in chat so they are none-the-wiser and not affected. We're at a disadvantage with default twitch.

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  8. =The Idea=

    Have a toggle switch in auto-mod options for streamer to opt-in or out.

    If opted in:
    Any accounts that were banned in 3 other streamer's chats in the past 72 hrs will have their messages auto-held until approved.

    If opted out:
    No change from current moderation.

    - Chat bots from follow websites would have all their messages held after 3 streamers ban them. This will prevent a significant amount of spam from follow bots and not allow their messages unless the streamer opted out.
    - General trolls. Some people like to join chats just to harass streamers.…

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  9. Twitch removes my name from banned words :(

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  10. When we use tags on Twitch, it can and has alerted trolls to the streamer. This does not make the streamer themselves feel safeguarded. Now while it is known that this is not the easiest. It might be an idea to try this out:

    For each tag, create a moderation kit/folder which contains grouped banned words that can be automatically added to the streamers automod ruleset list. What this will do is auto filter and timeout trolls that come into the streamers channel.

    An example would be:
    Black Tag - This folder would contain common racial slurs along with different…

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  11. There is a checkbox in "Channel & Videos" tab of your channel settings, called "Opt out of globally banned words filter".

    I had it enabled since I started streaming a month ago. And today I discovered, that it does not work - some words, like "tranny" for example, are still replaces with asterisks to everyone else in chat. I was disappointed.

    I despise any form of censorship. When I come to other streams and I see their chat rules "Be nice, no spam..." - I respect the rules. Its their choice. Why can't Twitch respect my own choice to treat…

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  12. An option to mass-flag when messages of the similar nature hit the chat.

    Options needed: Check for "similar messages" and flag after x messages

    This will be helpful for unwelcomed raids.
    Yes, this will also hit "friendly raids" as well but it gives the power to the caster to remove hatful/unwanted messages from the stream before it even hits it.

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  13. Recently I had to permit the term of "ow" when someone wanted to simply type "How are you <3" on a stream. This rather baffled me. I have since found similarly harmless words have triggered very low levels of automod sensitivity despite being rather simple words. Someone on reddit thankfully screenshotted some examples of the settings being used for the How are you <3 instance and has uploaded them for easy viewing:


    I can also state that I've had to permit the word 'dinosaur' on the same levels of sensitivity. I think it AutoMod should be…

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  14. Twitch has launched new Auto-Mod settings, and included Misogyny, while failing to include a category for Misandry.

    Misandry is defined as; dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male ***).

    This description is perfect for the failures of Twitch in recognising the hourly verbal abuse and violence that men experience on their platform.

    It is worse that this violence against men is completely ignored by Twitch, and Twitch allows it to happen.

    I believe Twitch's behaviour is illegal, as they are discriminating against all men based on their gender.

    What will Twitch do to remedy this…

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  15. I would love a button that allows us to allow a message into chat, but not affect the automod blocking those specific terms. Just like an "allow once" button. This would allow for more flexibility in letting people say certain things, without messing with automod's word bank.

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  16. Had a message come across automod that used the n word, so obviously I denied the message. However, after denying an automod message it is from what I can see lost forever. I wanted to ban the user or at least time them out for a few days with no luck. I feel a sense of urgency with automod notifications so it seemed reasonable to deny it quickly. It would be nice to add denied messages to the log for further moderator action.

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  17. Allow streamers to pre-emptively ban and block new followers if they include certain words in their username.

    This is to avoid follows by bots.

    I have been swarmed by bots containing the word "hoss" and it's proving overwhelming.

    By implementing this feature as an option in the automod, we would be able to apply a Regex filter preventing these bots from following.

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  18. Currently the AutoMod bot does not allow for timeouts, whitelisting of URLs and more. I would love to drop 3rd party bot moderation tools all together, but the current settings of AutoMod do not provide enough features to make it a viable means for moderation.

    For instance, non-vips cannot post clips if I block hyperlinks as there is no way to whitelist the URL for it.

    Please consider adding more features to AutoMod.

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  19. On a Hungarian language for channel points and predictions some words are restricted and handled as it would be a swear word in English.

    "Vagy" means in Hungarian "or" or "be". I wrote this words in Hungarian:

    "Ha új vagy". Means if you are new.

    But I can not create this reward as I get this error message: "*This is not compliant with our content guidelines."

    Tell me what guidelines is against the Hungarian word "vagy"?

    And there are more words which is moderated!

    Please remove automatic moderation on this tools ASAP! We can not create proper content for our…

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  20. If a viewer breaks a rule 3 (or some set amount of) times in chat, Automod should then go ahead and ban the user permanently for the streamer.

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