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12 results found

  1. If a user submits an unban request and a moderator makes a comment this information is not stored in their user card. The content of their unban request should appear in their chat history in some capacity, and the moderator's response to the unban should appear in the "Mod Comments" section. Record keeping and communication between mods and streamers is crucial to the safety of a channel.

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  2. Implementing a flagging/warning system would probably be too complicated, so in the meantime I regularly add "Keep an eye on" messages via Mod Comments as a reminder to myself and also to inform other Mods that a user has been flagged because they caught my attention - just not negatively enough to warrant banning them right away.

    It would be nice to have a Log/Record of Mod Comments being added to a User Card because there's no way of knowing unless a Mod specifically communicates that they did so, or you happen to find out by opening the specific User's…

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  3. Please log the held restricted/monitored messages from suspicious users like automod comments are logged.

    Due to the nature of a lot of traffic in large channels, messages in the Suspicious Users widget in mod view expire leaving banned users logs empty with only the message prompting you to go to the mod view widget and who banned them.

    This potential oversight not logging the actual message could lead to another mod seeing a user banned for no reason if the banning mod fails to leave a mod comment or the offenders username isn't an obvious tell to a ban evader.

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  4. Hey Twitch Community,

    I've got a simple suggestion that could make life easier for all of us, especially mods. Right now, when someone shares a link in a mod comment, it's just plain text. We have to copy and paste it to access it, which can be a bit of a hassle, especially when it's for something like checking out a screenshot.

    So, how about we make those links clickable in user cards? It's a quick and easy fix that would save us all time and make things smoother. Whether it's for reviewing evidence, sharing resources, or anything else, clickable…

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  5. There is a glaring loophole in chat history logging that has been present for years since the chat logging system started. It involves changing your name via Twitch's name change feature. Once someone has changed their name, you can no longer reliably pull up their entire chat history. It is effectively halted for the old name, and wiped for the new name so long as you do not have their original name.

    I'll try to explain this as simple as I can.

    Let's say I have actual years of chat logs under the name "desertp" on "examplechannel"
    All of…

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  6. It would be very useful if mod logs showed timeout and banned messages under the 'bans' and 'timeouts' tabs so mods don't have to scroll forever though their messages trying to find why a user had a past ban or timeout. Since mods can't put a reason why someone is banned or timed out for every user they moderate. Especially in a high traffic stream.

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  7. With the follower lists now being viewable to the streamer only, it would be more useful if the links on the username opens the UserCard instead of going to that user's channel. This would make investigation of suspicious users by the streamer more practical. If the intention is to go to the channel, that would still be possible from the usercard after it is opened. Would also make it easier to use if each user didn't take up so much screen space.

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  8. Salve
    Sarebbe possibile che i messaggi gli utenti limitati dalla chat venissero anche inseriti nella UserCard. Questo potrebbe consentire oltre alle revisione della limitazione dell'utente, anche per avere una cronologia del comportamento. Potrebbe anche consentire ad altri moderatori non presenti di accedere ai messaggi di quel utente. Magari potrebbero essere evidenziati nella UserCard per distinguerli da quelli normalmente mandati.
    Grazie dell'attenzione

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  9. That the streamer has a limited number of global badges to give to his best mods, such as the Artist badge.
    This way the work of the mods will be more visible.

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  10. I had a streamer friend ask me about a user that showed up in his chat today. He said that the person was banned in my chat. I went to look under moderation and saw they were banned in April 2023, but had no other information. There was no way to look up their viewer card because they weren't in my chat, and no other recordkeeping. It would be super helpful to be able to pull up viewer/user cards in mod view to show a person's history in the channel, if one exists.

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  11. When i view a user's chat messages on the User Card, I would like to be able to click the message (or, just the timestamp) and deep-link to the VOD at approximately (maybe 30 seconds prior?) to the message being posted. This can help give needed context to a chat message, which sometimes can be interpreted incorrectly without the larger context.

    As it is now, I'd have to do the math to figure out the local-time timestamp to the VOD by figuring out the start time of the stream and then seek to the offset of that start time of…

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  12. This could enable mods or streamers the ability to see ban reasoning for a ban in a shared channel (provided any is given). In addition to helping channels moderate who comes into their channel and chats, this would also make Shared Ban Info useful for moderating bots that sit quietly in chat that may be generating follow-bot raids, collecting ISPs, or merely collecting data for who knows who and for what purpose. Having some indication that they are banned (and the reasoning) in a channel for which ban info is shared on User Profile Cards would make Shared Ban Info…

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