Add Unban Request and Mod Comments to User Chat History
If a user submits an unban request and a moderator makes a comment this information is not stored in their user card. The content of their unban request should appear in their chat history in some capacity, and the moderator's response to the unban should appear in the "Mod Comments" section. Record keeping and communication between mods and streamers is crucial to the safety of a channel.
troyassemble commented
How can chat see my comments after my streamer unbanned me i try everything and my comments still visible to them
LordSupremeKara commented
Whilst I understand what you're aiming for here, what is stopping a mod who is reviewing unban requests from manually making a note why an unban was denied or approved?
In a channel I mod for, we hardly ban and ulitmatly have to not do as many unban requests, and when we do, we make notes manually. It takes 2 mins and not too sure what time it would save, I could only really see this being useful (automating a note when an unban request is actioned) on larger streamers.
OnlyStevie commented
Yep I definitely agree, I'd like to be able to see message deletions on mod cards too!
Lain_2779 commented
Please also add the restricted chat messages to their history. That along with unbanrequest/answer would let other mods more easily see the full story.
maidenblvd commented
on a team i’m on, we do this already, manually. it would be infinitely more helpful if it was automated
BrittElaineV commented
I do not see a negative with this feature at all!! It would help mod teams and streamers of various sizes, small or big, to keep tabs on unbanned chatters! Sometimes we give some bans a second chance and it would be amazing to be able to keep tabs on those specific chatters!
PhinAgain commented
I especially wish that we could be able to delete or edit our comments. I have accidentally pasted the wrong things in comments in the past and I would at least like to be able to clean up my mistakes instead of having clutter
TheGalacticStardust commented
It's honestly one of the things I hope Twitch adds just because not only do you ban people and then unban sometimes with a warning, but you have to ban the same person again and the unban request from the previous ban isn't shown at all or what the mods said to it. Adding this would be so beneficial to the sanity of mods, especially keeping up the communication