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51 results found

  1. The Activity Feed already shows "Poll ended" as an item, but doesn't show the results of the poll. Is is possible to include the winning answer as part of that result? Would help in case the mods and streamer miss the conclusion of a poll and can reference it later

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  2. Editors on a channel can edit title, tags and a few other things but can't turn on/off the branded content option, think that it would be nice to have that feature be available to Editors to help the streamer so they can focus on games or whatever they are doing and just have to tell a editor to turn it on/off.

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  3. I'll put it as simply as possible. We need to restrict the number of moderators on channels to three users, so that the majority can't appoint more than three mods, just like most streamers do.

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  4. Currently anonymous subs can be given to offensive account names and the streamer has no ability to report this. A gifter can continue to do this indefinitely. Streamers can only report the accounts that were gifted which does not solve the problem.

    This leads to immediate and continuous abuse.

    You removed Anonymous Bits for "Abuse" reasons despite them not carrying a name, image, or message. You left in Anonymous Gift subs even though they can be used like this. Give us an option to report these actions.

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    Gathering Interest  ·  Ana responded

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    For the community: If you like this idea, please vote on it and feel free to add on how it would help you in the comments.

  5. Allow moderators to set a character limit for the length of chat messages.
    When many users send long messages, it is often difficult for the streamer to keep the thread. It would be necessary to be able to set a lower limit, per channel, with a chat command.
    For example /lenght 100 to limit users to 100 characters per message, and /lenght off to disable the limit.

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  6. "I want to bring a requirement for an account to become a channel moderator.

    • Requirement: minimum account creation time, for example, for someone to be able to add someone as a moderator on your channel, the account must be at least 7 days old, or even, you must follow the channel for 7 days if you want to be one moderator of this channel.

    Every day there are people (with the account created on the same day and using VPN for sure) convincing new streamers to be moderators of their channel, and thus manage to trick the streamer and ban…

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  7. Just like the timeout/ban in profiles, add a new category called warnings. Warnings can be issued by /warn [user] [reason] or by clicking a chat / profile button and entering a reason. Not everyone wants to timeout a user / ban a user. It would also allow us moderators to keep moderation actions private and not use the Wisper system and allow us to keep track of warnings and who their issued by. The way this would work is the user, would receive a popup with the warning or can receive a message like the announcement command, or a pinned…

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  8. Idk if this is entirely the right category as it involves how the platform monitors traffic and stuff. It's not as if it's a "feature", versus a preventative measure to prohibit people from stream sniping.

    Work with the server management team(s) on the gaming company's end, along with people's ISP to monitor for, and ensure that people cannot fire up someone's stream and intentionally queue up with them, and there be a grey area as to whether or not they're "screen peaking" via the stream.

    Have it disconnect them if it senses they have stream open, and notify them through…

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  9. What i'd like to propose is a separate chat window thats designated for moderators. One of the biggest issues when it comes to larger streamers is an endless chat torrent that makes it near impossible to catch mod messages, even with slow mode enabled. By adding in a designated mod chat window, it would enable the broadcaster to freely swap between that and their main chat, and that way communications from their moderators won't get lost within a rapidly moving text wall.

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  10. Have a section in Twitch where you can see all the streamers who you have moderator role. This would be helpful in the long run since some Twitch users have a moderator role on more than one channel.

    Similar to modlookup, a third party website where Twitch users can see all of the streamers who are they currently moderating. Since Twitch's API changes in February 2023 have made it impossible to keep modlookup operational, it would be nice to have as separate section for users to access and would be convenient for it to link to streamers we currently moderate…

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  11. Allow a report system for hate raids that flag the account for future raids, When in future they raid again it notifies the streamer and their mods that the raider has these previous reports / violations. Thus Providing feedback to the streamer / mods in the channel allowing them time to act / prepare and take action against any hate raid.

    Example when a raid comes through it states:
    "Name" is raiding with 300 viewers ("Name" Has 4 Hate Raid violation Reports).

    Additionally an option / button for mods to mass timeout / mute all incoming viewers from this raider…

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  12. It would be useful if a streamer could set it so that moderated chats are hidden from them live, but are still able to be reviewed elsewhere if necessary. It would help the stream not become derailed if the streamer is being constantly harassed by one or more individuals, as moderators could essentially hide what was going on from the streamer. And it would have the added benefit of letting moderators remove blatant spoilers before they are seen by the streamer as well.

    This would require a lot of trust on the streamer's part, but that is why it would…

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  13. Most bots have the possibility of choosing actions to be taken depending on filters. An emote spam filter for example would be very useful especially if it could delete the specific message only and recognize bttv, 7tv and ffz emotes.

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  14. There have been cases of streamers banning users without any explanation, leaving the banned user feeling confused and frustrated. This lack of transparency can lead to a breakdown in trust between the streamer and their audience, and can also have a negative impact on the overall community.

    Streamers should have to give a reason for a ban. And banned users should have the ability to appeal their ban to Twitch. This could be done through a system where the user can submit an appeal to Twitch, which can then review the ban and determine if it was justified. For instance,…

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  15. The feature would allow the moderators on mobile to run , close , and distribute channel points without the use of a pc! It’s more reliable a game changer at that

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  16. Groups of people are creating multi-accounts and following channels only for disturb, i think you must to add option to ban new accounts that follow the channel in shield mode.

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  17. Chatters that are currently live on Twitch should have a badge next to their name or some type of notification for the streamer. I have seen multiple streamers browse Twitch while they are live and harass other streamers. Being able to see that a chatter is live when they pop in and say "hi" would be a good warning for the streamer.

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  18. Hello, thank you for implementing the recent phone verification feature. That has been really helpful, along with all the other safety features you have. I am a small streamer who is dealing with a harasser/doxxer who regularly makes new usernames and comes into my chat to drop my real name and address. The phone verification has prevented him from doing that in chat, but now he comes in and whispers my dox to everyone on my viewer list. The following would be very helpful in preventing him from doing this in the future without disrupting my growth as a streamer:

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  19. Having an option to limit what character typesets can be used in chat.

    For English stream, it could be limited to ASCII-95 (
    If a character was used outside of this typeset, the whole message would not go through.

    Any variation could work on this.

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  20. Make users use bits to send unban request, and giving the streamer the option to select the custom amount of bits.

    So even if the streamer denies the appeal, they still keep the bits.

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