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269 results found

  1. I would like to propose that Twitch implements much stricter rules surrounding username creation and the terms which are allowed to be used in usernames. Users are still allowed to create usernames which are hateful, sexually explicit and degrading, despite this behaviour being against the Twitch Community Guidelines.

    I appreciate that moderators and streamers are able to ban and report these accounts, but stopping this behaviour should NOT be the sole responsibility of content creators and their team. Furthermore, this method merely addresses the problem AFTER it has already happened. We need Twitch to implement a system which can identify…

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey all!

    We've updated our Username Policy to set a higher bar for what’s acceptable to better serve our global community. Our goal with this policy is to have consistent, stricter guidelines for removing existing inappropriate usernames and prevent the creation of new offensive usernames when leveraged alongside machine learning at signup.

    Our updated policy details what egregious usernames violate our Community Guidelines — for example, hate speech, threats of violence, and personally identifiable information. We will also remove reported usernames that fall into the following categories:

    References to sexual acts, arousal, fluids, or genitalia

    References to hard drugs — excluding alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana

    One big change is that we now have built a dedicated, self-serve name change tool allowing you to change your username while maintaining account history, subs, follows, and bits. Once you change your username, you can resume using the account with no strikes applied. The…

  2. Twitch needs to start addressing serious harassment and safety complaints from creators, no matter how big or small their community! Concerns involving child safety, sexual exploitation, revenge ****, etc. need to be prioritized over more trivial issues and reviewed immediately.

    You've allowed a predator, who's harassed dozens of creators, and who ADMITTED to taking a clip when my 3 year old daughter ran into the room unclothed by accident, saving it and threatening me with it for "retaliation" to stream on your platform for MONTHS despite THOUSANDS of reports! This is truly unacceptable and appalling that a platform the size…

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey all,

    Thank you for your feedback. The harassment of our community members is strictly prohibited per our Community Guidelines, and we take user reports and allegations of misconduct very seriously—particularly when they involve allegations of egregious behavior.

    Directing you to our Safety Center pages for Filing a Report, Handling Serious Misconduct and our Off-Service Policy. These offer more insight into best practices for filing reports on Twitch and what to expect after filing. Please note that every Twitch report is reviewed and investigated by a human specialist, and that mass reporting the same content will not increase the speed in which a report is investigated or increase the likelihood of enforcement.

    As a general policy, we do not comment on individual cases publicly or disclose specific details about the enforcement action to the user(s) who reported the violation. This is to protect the privacy and safety of…

  3. In the Twitch chat u see things like this: that Twitch got banned or got timeout. but u never see who did it! i would like to see a mod log option in your dashboard that u can see which mod banned a person and a meaby an extra search option for a mod so you can see all the people he banned!

    I hope that u will add this option to Twitch sometime in the near future i know some streamers are complaining about this a lot so i thought i would open a article

    Thank you.

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    Closed  ·  10 comments  ·  Feature Request  ·  Admin →
  4. Keep cooking streams out of Just Chatting. It hurts the food and drink community if people can see cooking in a different category. Games are kept out of Just Chatting, so should cooking food focused streams.

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  5. A recent update disallowed the important moderation feature of being able to pull a chatter's history off of the chat sidebar and onto stream to look through their chat history while deciding a course of action while ALSO keeping an eye on chat.

    I used this all of the time and I'm hoping that a bug broke this feature rather than it being removed. As someone who enjoys watching a stream over moderating it, this provided a nice middle ground compared to being stuck in Mod View.

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    0 comments  ·  Bugs  ·  Admin →
    Closed  ·  Twitch responded


    Thank you so much for posting about this.

    It seems this bug has been resolved at this time, but if you have further issues or are still not able to move the chatters history over the stream please reach out to our support team so they can help you further troubleshoot at

  6. When a user is banned, and then creates another account, they HAVE TO register the email to the username correct? Why is it that when we report them to Twitch when they are evading a ban, or worse- constant targeted harassment towards the streamer with the usernames as mentioned below. Some of these have been suspended, others are still active.
    These users have stated that they will come over, that they would end me, and even worse.
    It got to the point I had to not only get my county sheriffs involved, but the FBI due to a few having…

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  7. Started getting called a racial slur by a user that started making alt accounts to continue to taunt me in multiple communities and stalk my discord/streams after I blocked him. I reported this a month ago now with no response from Twitch and no action was taken. If Twitch still advocates for being intolerant of this behavior, why is it not taken seriously or ever addressed? I feel like many users like myself get frustrated with the fake report system Twitch has that doesn't actually help those who have safety concerns.

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  8. Hola buenas, soy Saúl, les hablo porque ultimamente estoy sufriendo muchos ataques de bots, que empiezan a seguirme y comentan: hackeando contraseña del canal. Eso a mi me inquieta bastante lo cual procedi a quitar todos los bots, pero tuve un error y puse que se quitasen todos los seguidores desde el dia 15 de enero, lo cual perdi muchos seguidres, teneis alguna manera de solucionarlo y poder devolverme esos seguidores y solo quitarme los seguidores que me siguieron hoy y ayer? Especifico que antes tenia 1115 seguidores y ahora tengo 860, agradeceria mucho una ayuda ya que fue un…

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    1 comment  ·  Bots  ·  Admin →
  9. How can I unban my channel? (it is indefinitely suspended due to repeated copyright strikes) Now there are only 2 warnings out of 3 on my channel -

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    1 comment  ·  DMCA  ·  Admin →
    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    This is something that can only be handled through our appeals process. If you have already appealed I would recommend checking spam and other email filters to make sure you did not miss a response from us.

    Find out more info here:

  10. Necesito ayuda, el otro día encendí directo y en cuestión de segundos obtuve 300 seguidores los cuales estoy seguro que son bots, y tengo miedo de tener también viewer bots. ya que por estos me pueden banear y nose como solucionar este inconveniente. Estoy esperando una respuesta un saludo

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    0 comments  ·  Bots  ·  Admin →
  11. Hi,
    I have just finished my stream because I got "attacked" by bots suddenly following me, I had 700 followers and only within 10 minutes I got to 2000 followers, I got scared and closed my stream and managed to eliminate the bot accounts, however I am writing to let you know and if is there anything else that I can do to prevent this situation from happening again. Thank you.

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    1 comment  ·  Bots  ·  Admin →
  12. recently in twitch in my channel y have a LOT OF BOTS ATTACKS,and i dont know hot to eliminate that,pls help me :c

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    0 comments  ·  Bots  ·  Admin →
  13. I think the title says enough, we can all think for ourselves.

    We have a right to expression as we have a right to be offended. Please don't destroy this great platform of personal expression by buying into false logic.

    The effort put into encouraging individuals to choose to dismiss certain viewpoints is far more realistic and beneficial than preventing it from being manifested.

    The majority of "unsavory" content expressed on your platform is done ironically: to take this too seriously and censor it is an insult to the people that make your platform real and viable.

    I understand the…

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  14. How will Twitch be applying their new guidelines on other forms of social media like twitter, facebook, or discord; if at all?

    Are there going to be repercussions for partners doing something that violates these new guidelines on their publicly linked social accounts?

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  15. when I try to expand the unban queue it bugs out and the whole website becomes empty

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  16. stop mute my music in video producer
    i don't hear no copyright no ******** stop mute

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  17. If you're going to set preference to non gaming tiddie streams, rename yourself chaturbate lite and get it TF over with. I am so sick of seeing this kind of "content" on what is supposed to be a GAME STREAMING website. Stop rewarding females for simply existing.

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  18. Things I hear on stream end up in my YouTube recommended. Next thing you know. A closested member of the lgbtq will have his/her/their secret revealed and might face repurcussions. You are going to ruin our lives and endanger them if you keep invading our privacy.

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    Closed  ·  0 comments  ·  Safety Center  ·  Admin →
  19. Okay so I find it greatly disrespectful that words like spastic hemiplegia, ADHD, and other names of different types of disabilities are banned from being used on Twitch. This is very frustrating for me because I feel like I’m being forced to hide telling people about my conditions and I want to be able to educate people about them if I do end up live-streaming on this platform. This makes it harder for me and other people who have disabilities to be able to advocate for themselves and educate others. Banning them because of the fear that people would use…

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  20. There should be a report button for Mod abuse. Bullying and harassing the viewers. Mods are getting away with abusing the fan base. Also an icon by there name to show that the moderator did in fact did it. Also helps if the moderator Mods other channels. Helps the viewer to be careful around the mod and the streamer.

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    0 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
    Closed  ·  mouse responded

    If a user is breaking the Community Guidelines, please report them through the site so that they can be investigated.

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