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Channel Points

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Channel Points



83 results found

  1. I'd like to have the ability to reset everyone's channel points on my channel manually or automatically (daily, weekly, monthly) like the bits and sub gift leaderboard.

    Also i'd like to see more options. Being able to activate emote only chat automatically for a given amount of time after using channel points etc.

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    Danky responded

    Heya! Wanted to let you know I've moved this suggestion to our new Channel Point Rewards category. 

    Have a great day!

  2. Currently, people who use pointing devices that do not have scrollwheels can only see the first 3 items in the channel rewards popout in their entirety. Everything below that is either completely or mostly hidden from them. This is a known issue. This was not always the case. According to another poster, scrollbars used to be there for all streams, now it is hit and mostly miss. There have been multiple instances of this issue that I found posted by others, yet you are apparently ignoring those since they aren't getting enough upvotes, you don't want to admit making a…

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  3. It would be great to have Channel Reward Variants that a viewer can pick from after selecting a reward. I have things like different camera filters and background images that viewers can change. Point Rewards like this require user input to communicate to the streamer (or integrated software) which choice the viewer would like. However, a typo can break integrated/automated features and abusing the user input wastes the reward and can lead to awkward situations. Setting up "selections" of variants to choose from after selecting a reward could allow for limited user input which can lead to flawless execution of…

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  4. Currently we have certain limitations of channel point rewards, and what we can do with these rewards. If I wanted to currently implement a channel reward like, "Take a Break for 1 Minute," with different consecutive duration, I would have to make a series of different rewards for essentially the same channel point reward.

    It would be very beneficial to build upon the current rewards and offer a "scaling point" feature. Perhaps a slider, that scales with another value and allows followers to interact even further with the channel point interface.

    1 channel point = 1 min, 2 channel…

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  5. Allow us to set a "Subscribers only" option for Channel Point redemptions. Like say I only want Tier 3 Subs to be able to redeem "Pick my next stream" reward, I could set it to you have to be a tier 3 sub to click it....they would be able to SEE it as a non sub, but to USE it they have to be a tier 3 sub

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  6. The rate at which people earn points is extremely low. If a viewer were to follow a streamer, have a watch streak from watching 2 consecutive streams for 2 hours each, cheer, and actively click every chest that appeared, they'd be able to contribute the max amount of 2,000 to a community goal 1 time. Then have to consecutively watch more. That's a lot to just participate in a community and can deter people from using channel points. After the 1st cheer and sub of the month, channel point "income" dwindles. People have lives and a watch streak 4 or…

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  7. The Power-ups that were recently added are interesting, but I'm baffled by the choice to make these a paid feature when default channel point rewards already exist, within the same UI, as an avenue that could have been taken to deliver these same features instead, especially since we haven't gained any new default channel point rewards in a while.
    Implementing them as channel point rewards instead of their own feature would resolve every complaint people have about Power-Ups:

    -Streamers can already choose whether to leave any default channel rewards are enabled or disabled. This alone would solve a lot of…

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  8. A few years ago, you launched the "Boost this Stream" feature. Thanks to channel points, viewers were supposedly able to boost the current stream so it could be seen in the Twitch main suggestions feed.

    However, I never saw this feature appear whatever the channel size I watched the stream. It's a pity because this feature sounds great. Not only it would make the channel points very useful but it also would help the little channels to get visibility efficiently. Of course, in order to make it fair you would have to adapt the required amounts of points in terms…

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  9. It's fun to have a channel point redeem or streamer option to temporarily ban/timeout a friendly chatter as a joke, but it currently comes with consequences like losing moderator status and unfollowing the streamer. A joke ban/timeout that does nothing else would be a fun feature for streamers to have.

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  10. Deseo ser afiliado!

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  11. Specifically, rewards with a global "can be redeemed every X minutes" setting should have their coodown set back to 0 if they are rejected.

    It probably works to start the cooldown as soon as they are redeemed, and just let it continue if the reward is Completed.

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  12. Would be nice if we could set "Tiered" Rewards, like Say, "Ban In Game Action" If I could set, for 500 points I'll do it for 10 mins but they could pick a for 2000 points it will be all game option, instead of it having to be 2 separate rewards

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  13. Si può votare entrambe le scelte nei sondaggi in modo da ottenere più punti

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  14. Tanto el chat como las recompensas pueden ser usadas aun estando el streamer offline. Estoy preocupado ya que utilizo algunas funciones que están enlazadas a ChatGPT, el cual se va consumiendo con el uso. Si cualquier persona es capaz de usar el chat o canjear recompensas estando offline, es posible que hagan un spam para consumir mi uso de ChatGPT, por lo que pido por favor que se pueda añadir la opción de bloquear todo mientras no estoy en emisión.

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  15. A lot of channel point redemptions do not require a streamers attention, things like first or things that just trigger a sound or something similar. These items clog the reward queue and make it difficult for the streamer to see the items which actually need our attention, like shoutouts, song requests, things like that. I propose when creating a channel point redeem there be a check box "Do not place this item in reward queue" that way you don't have to spend half your stream completing items that basically complete themselves. This would be a very useful change for a…

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  16. Please for the love of god, I'm sitting here refreshing the channel points trying to redeem the first reward and it just constantly says out of stock for a good 20 seconds until someone else claims it. Either fix it or fire the programmer who made it suck in the first place, PLEASE.

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  17. Avere la possibilità di prendere le ricompense punti canale anche con i bits per supportare l'impegno dello Streamer che ha creato le ricompense!

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  18. Be able to set a "Cooldown & Limits" which stops the same person from redeeming a Reward twice or a set number of times in a row. I don't want to limit how many times they can redeem the Reward per stream, just stop the same person always redeeming the Reward after it comes off cooldown.

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  19. Please give the option for streamers to add gift for followers and subs,sometimes they have no cash but they still watching streaming and earning points, Channel points should be for gift things to community for the loyalty,give a chance the streamer should be able to have something like xbox card 20$ or Nintendo online suscription as rewards to recognice the followers loyalty

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  20. I would like an easy way to do half point days without changing the number in EVERY SINGLE reward manually. This calculation could just be a multiplier. Additionally, If you grow rapidly and need to adjust all costs this also helps (Think * 1.10 for 10% increase, or 0.5 for half off)

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