Add Universal Math Modifier To Custom Rewards' Calculation
I would like an easy way to do half point days without changing the number in EVERY SINGLE reward manually. This calculation could just be a multiplier. Additionally, If you grow rapidly and need to adjust all costs this also helps (Think * 1.10 for 10% increase, or 0.5 for half off)
evanszaira commented
Our factorizing worksheets are crafted to aid students in mastering various equation types. Whether it's expanding brackets or factorizing quadratics, our resources are meticulously structured and easily comprehensible. We offer factor maths worksheets tailored for diverse skill levels, accompanied by answer keys for assessment and revision purposes. With our comprehensive range of resources, students can enhance their confidence in tackling expanding and factorizing maths questions of all kinds. Algebra may be daunting, but our factorizing quadratics worksheets aim to make it an enjoyable learning experience! Click here:
davidandersonhad commented
Well, finally it’s written, I completely agree with the idea of adding a universal mathematical modifier. This would be very convenient and efficient, especially if you need to quickly adapt costs to changes. I’m not good at math at all, in college I asked for do my math homework, I found for this. There are many different detours. You can choose the whole day, depending on who suits you.