channel request info
hello to all of you! I
have a request edee for twitch maybe it's complicated to do sorry, here it would be nice to do so;
When we are live on twitch and many people come, it is not possible to observe who writes and so we neglect them a little ... who comments .... and give sweeps to the people who commit, because the chat goes very fast the scrolling of the chat and others get lost ...., there is already the slow function, but it is not as I would like it to be, do it as a normal chat like those found on the net
then divide the chat type into floors above like a building: above a chat only for the moderators among here the steamer that can communicate both down and up .... so they the moderators can see who is troll etc, and interact better with those who comment without fast scrolling, or without taking 59 seconds to comment,,and give the opportunity to other people to comment and be visible, without being swept away by the tornadoes of fast comets
Then another that the user who has been a follower for a long time and communicates by writing should have a kind of emblem or personal or even from the twitch that he proposes, and an info in his account for how long he has been present as a commentator, etc.also add commentator , funny, serious, joking, etc., only if the user wants to add the option the emblem that is visible during the live on twitch, even in his personal channel
twitch doesn't have stories like other social networks it would be nice to add them ...,
And then another that when we are on twitch and we are live I would like there to be an audio message next to it where you write messages, so as to also say hello etc, even for those who do not want to write a message for the moment, it would be nice to add an image file to be sent in chat on the stramer's twich so the channel becomes more alive, above all when they give gifts from the streamers you have followers, when the gift arrives, followers post it on twitch
I would and I would very much like that this option that there was us;
who is from outside and sees the twitch channel in streaming, perhaps the viewer does not want or even time to create an account on twitch for now, and twitch proposes to write messages with anonymous nicknames that twitch makes available so those who are outside can interact with whom he is live even if he does not have a fixed account as a guest.
another that from a smartphone you can not edit our twitch channel as we would like if we were in the pc which is all comfortable, maybe it is also the fault of my android 6 smartphone which does not allow me to change the names of the videos, the colors, or enter bots, etc ...., more or less so these are my ideas that have been coming to me for a while, I do not know if you will read me for these little ideas, a little so so ... complicated to do ...,
Sorry for the grammar that I am writing from Italian English using the translator
Good continuation to you all and good health!