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12 results found

  1. The new DJs category does not permit uploads of any kind - which prevents users from enabling a channel trailer.

    Twitch prompts me to use a trailer, but this is restricted to video stored on Twitch. I cannot store the trailer on Twitch because all uploads are disabled!

    Please consider that trailers do not necessarily contain copyrighted music.

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  2. For whatever reason, I needed to specifically UPLOAD a video to use as a channel trailer. I couldn't use any of my existing highlights, clips, or collections. If the VOD meets the criteria (less than 60s, etc), why can't we use it as a channel trailer?

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  3. I would rather have viewers who come to my page see either my info picture, the person I'm hosing, or go straight to my content. I'm not interested in showing them the Channel Trailer unless they go to view it on my About page to learn more.

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  4. The title describes it pretty well.

    But it would be MUCH better for discoverability and would provide a better idea of what a streamers channel is actually like instead of some random out of context clip that could potentially reflect poorly on the streamer or not be a true reflection of the experience a viewer would have.

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  5. As a new streamer, I would like to be able to upload one introduction video (30 seconds to one minute) that could play on my channel page as a promo for my stream.

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  6. The ability to title trailers

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  7. Currently, the channel trailer is visible only to subscribers when "Subscriber-Only Archives" is turned on for Affiliates. This should not be the case. The channel trailer should always remain public, as it's entire purpose is to entice new viewers who have just discovered the page to find out more information and follow. It's actually not even designed for subscribers so they probably won't even watch it, it's designed for new viewers. Furthermore, the channel trailer is never streamed, therefore it's not really an "archive" of any sort and does not need to be considered locked-away content. They should remain public…

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  8. Have Introduction videos be a 2 minute length limit.

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  9. If we are being somewhat pushed to the idea of needing to have a trailer filling up what will otherwise be a rather blank space (Unless we use the old page), can we at least have the trailer as we want it?

    You are currently suggesting (forcing) the usage of a trailer but wanting it to conform to your notions of what makes good advertisement (60 seconds), and I do not agree with this. For a medium that's about a long term entertainment (potentially several hours worth a day) , I want to at least be able to show case…

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  10. It would be super helpful for those who already have trailers made, if we could just trim them up to fit under 60 seconds. I can upload a trailer I already have but if it is too long I need to re-edit it outside of Twitch and upload again.

    Could easily all be done within Twitch.

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  11. When I try to add a thumbnail to my channel trailer, it doesn't let me save. I press the button numerous times, and doesn't confirm the save, or give me any error to why it's doing nothing. Please fix.

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  12. The Video that pops up when you open up a twitch page i find really annoying please make it optional as when they are streaming and i wanna watch a vod i cant even mute it. also because of vod muting can end up browsing though vods to try and find a video to be annoyingly interrupted by 2 audio tracks.

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