Noticeboard tab for channel
I would love to see a noticeboard tab on our channels where we could leave updates regarding the channel itself. Whether you're not going to be streaming that week, things you will be streaming that week, charity events and so on.
Yes, we have social media but not everyone uses it and someone who's just discovered you may be interested in what's going on in the future. Posts would only need to use the same Markdown code that panels in About already do and could easily be added or removed as necessary. Sort of like digital post it notes.
JafroMusic commented
I was about to add a similar suggestion myself, I feel like this would be a great idea as not everyone who follows you on Twitch is going to follow you on your day-to-day socials, so it'd be a good way to keep your Twitch followers updated on schedules, updates and whatnot on Twitch itself.
Stennos commented
Yes, this would be very helpful. Many people don't even check the "Schedule" tab, so this could be simply implemented by pinning an Announcement Message to the top of chat for a specific timer. Could even limit pinned messages to offline-only, so they go away when you go live.
DJKMackulit commented
It would be nice to have a feature where we could post announcements or do short videos like "reels" on Instagram on our home pages to inform viewers of changes in stream times or other things
Sikamikarina commented
Really great idea - hope it gets some steam!
tugboet commented
Would love to see a panel in the carousel be a notice board or the upcoming schedule if no notice is posted which ties into or links to the community tab.
Matrixis commented
Awesome idea, really useful as I get the same, people DMing me when something changes and they don't see it on other social media
Rebelnae commented
Please add a community tab or announcement tab where people can go to my page and easily see updates like I’ll be late to stream today something came up, or I’m cancelling tomorrow’s stream or there will be an extra stream on Saturday etc.? Not everyone follows me on other social media than twitch and end up DMing me asking why I didn’t stream today when I posted about it all over social media
LordPeterLive commented
Something like the "Community" Tab from YouTube would be great. I use twitter, facebook, instagram, discord even steamgroup... Only 10% of the people know whats going on.
Maybe a "Newsletter" tab. When people hit the newsletterbutton they get a whisper when you post something there, so they always up to date, even when you don't stream.
S33V33 commented
It would be great to have a channel news or announcements feed like a Twitter feed but Twitch exclusive. On main channel page have the latest announcement and have the feed below like next to the about, videos etc so people can select and see the past announcements. Also would be good to have it so that followers can turn notifications on or off for channels announcements for app too.
VoltareL_ commented
(Text translated from Portuguese to English using Google Translate, any translation flaws I apologize)
Similar to the "Communities" tab of the "you know who" tab, the "Scraps" tab would be something for the Streamer to communicate to their Viewers about possible Livestream delays due to power outages.
We have several options like Twitter, Instagram, etc. However, it would be interesting to have something that communicates viewers within the platform, since not everyone likes to use Twitter, for example.