Make one-off schedule changes easier
Right now it seems extremely onerous, if I know I'm not going to be able to stream one particular night or my plan for that night is going to change, to have to dig into the schedule UI and mess around with things. It'd be great to make this case more ergonomic (esp. something like "activate vacation mode for just today") via a dashboard button or something.
TugiSchnucki commented
stimme ich dir zu 100% zu!
ErWarsNicht commented
Es wäre toll, wenn man für diejenigen die trotz Schuchtarbeit streamen möchten den Zeitplan so flexibel gestaltet, dass man bis zu 3 Schichten im aufeinander folgenden Wechsel einplanen kann. Also 2 oder 3 verschiedene Wochenrhytmen.
Habe das Problem zur Zeit, dass ich 2 Schichten habe, die jede Woche zwischen Früh- und Spätschicht wechseln. Dafür dann geeignete Zeiten zu definieren ist Montag bis Freitag also schon nahezu unmöglich -
GamesForDays2 commented
Inspired by the idea posted by CeNY (, it's extremely tedious to have to scroll all the way down just to make schedule changes, or change the option you want on the channel at all. Maybe have a context menu by the side or something that will just scroll you down the the options you want to jump straight to, rather than having to scroll so much every time. At a minimum, prioritise the order of the settings a bit more so Streamers can access info that is changed more often much quicker.