Search clips by keywords
Currently there is no effective way to search through clips other than top all time, 30 days, and 7 days.
-You should be able to search through clips by keyword.
For example, if you're trying to find rage clips on a channel or game you should be able to search clips by the keyword "rage". Any clips with rage in the title should show up.
TheFirstEdicius commented
Twitch, please. It's impossible to find some clips on channels that have a lot of clips being created. If you're going to the trouble/expense of storing them, at least make it so we can find them when we want to. Please.
Hyohane commented
This would be really useful. Find when artists have drawn a certain subject, days when records have been broken, events like birthdays and more. It's not like a search engine reinvents the wheel.
lenamoon commented
Hello, does anyone know if this has been addressed? Even by an outside source/ app? I wanted to clean up/ DL a lot of my clips but its just impossible with 3 years worth of them.
Ticklefitz commented
How is searching clips by a name not been implemented yet? We name clips of races on my channel by their drivers and impossible to find them when done if they don't get any views on that particular driver. Please twitch.
Draazil commented
I think its just not a lot of people that have the slightest idea that this forum even exists, guys share this on your socials like there is no tomorrow! Get your friends and fam to sign up and vote on this and even share it on their media.
taburz_blism commented
@skull_runner honestly i don't think they really care and i believe this platform forum thingy only exists as a placebo to satisfy people and to get them off of their backs by giving them a place to post about something. And then never bothering to read through the votes or fix the complaints/suggestions, unless its on the first page and is somewhere in the top 5 most voted. It's rare that these even get looked at by staff, thats the sad reality of it. it seems more like a "share ur thread with ur friends on ur social medias so the more people that click on it = the more exposure and traffic our product, brand, and website gets = more money for us". I could be wrong but it feels like its just tricking people into doing website activity in return for more money for twitch.
unless this thread blows up overnight with votes i dont think twitch will do anything about it. And even still there is a highly populor thread about getting rid of adverts for mods or decreasing the volume on adverts to match the volume of the stream, and even that they refuse to do anything about. Regardless of the tens of thousends of votes it receieved
i keep getting spammed constantly with emails whenever anyone makes a post on anything i've voted on, with no option to opt out it seems.... kinda sus
Skull_Runner commented
For real 4 years and 237 upvotes since I suggested that and still no change...
Also scrolling in clips gets real lagy real fast, atleast fix the perfomance while scrolling I have a 1.5k PC it's not to be expected
Chris_Cookies commented
4 year old idea and still no changes to the clips and vods pages. it is impossible to find specific clips and highlights. no wonder people upload vods to youtube where they can be found
willi063 commented
Diese Funktion wäre sehr gut, da aber leider viele Nutzer gar keinen Titel für einen erstellten Clip angeben und es für Editoren auch keine Möglichkeit gibt dies zu ändern und einen aussagekräftigen Titel anzugeben, macht die Funktion nur wenig Sinn.
onyi commented
Having this also in dashboard so you can filter clips people made of you would be so good!
AOD_Joey commented
searching for clips remains difficult, the scroll function is also not fun if you have a lot of clips
Why the wait. please code this!
f1am3d_qcz commented
I'm surprised there's no such feature. It's so easy to implement.
darvils1 commented
It is been 3 years. Please make it happen Twich!
Darkhan17 commented
I hope me leaving a comment will accelerate this feature's implementation. Though I wonder if they even saw it...
xNewEra commented
I hope they will add this features
Skull_Runner commented
Indeed ... Twitch please add this feature it's so important and useful.
Jacobrw420 commented
Better Clip tools please!!! search key words
mellonhead97 commented
How has twitch still not made any progress on clips like this, viewers want it when they're looking for a specific clip and it would make streamers and editors jobs so much easier too, annoying that twitch doesn't have such a basic function with their clips
manbras_cks commented
Literally the most basic feature for clips. I'm astonished twitch hasn't implemented this yet. If searching is too hard to program, export the title and link to clip to notepad and let us use ctrl+f which is included in basically every windows program.