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47 results found

  1. If the content in the panel is long enough to cause it scroll, the submit button is no longer visible because it is below the scrolling content. This was confusing at first because the "remove" button was still visible and it seemed as if my changes would just be applied immediately or after I came out of edit mode.

    Either place the submit button below the scrollable content so that it is always visible, or just don't have a submit button at all and apply changes immediately or when the user exits edit mode.

    Thank you.

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  2. I'm obsessed with different Stream Overlays that all have varying themes. It would be cool to be able to also make panel themes that you can toggle on or off depending on what overlay you're using for your stream. It takes a lot of perfecting to get your panels where you want them, so doing it this way would allow us to switch between different themes without having to completely redo everything over and over.

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  3. So, I've been trying to edit my schedule and I get an error when I go to save it that says "Segment not found." Please fix this! I really would like to post my schedule.

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  4. Suggesting a top gifters and cheerers leaderboard revamp with an automatic rotation between menus. Proposing exclusion of contributions after one year to address streamers' concerns of maintaining outdated scoreboards, promoting a dynamic and engaging experience.

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  5. First off, I know it's possible to sort the side bar by "Recommended for you" which will probably display streamers you are subscribed to at the top since you typically watch them more often, but I'm wanting something slightly different.

    I'm wanting to be able to sort from High->Low viewers, but have channels I'm subscribed to at the top. Just a simple tick-box that appears when you're deciding what to sort by would suffice - that way it can be turned on or off with both methods of sorting.

    Reason: I like displaying channels this way but if I'm subscribed…

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  6. An ad panel to advertise other twitch users.
    Here are blueprints (google drive link):

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  7. PLEASE allow MOVING GIF files in the ABOUT PAGE, the about page would be so much better looking if it had moving animations in it.

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  8. Adding a few more extension Panel slots to have, maybe 2 or 3

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  9. Issue:
    I have found myself using my Portrait Monitor for OBS/ Dashboard as of late and ALSO watching streams this way, basicly its a giant mobile version
    with a resolution of 1144x1730pixels

    the visibility its about 45% of the portrait screen in height but about 70% in width, due to the CHAT
    -> see for reference )

    The chat is that blocking a good part of the screen and when i go the view in itself is as i would want it, but now the chat cant be used. Most likely thats due to the chat beeing…

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  10. Ability to add comments in panels.

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  11. Change the panel layout to be a grid instead of using position: absolute; to make everything align instead of having everything smashed together

    how to do it:

    1. Remove all inline stylings of .channel-panels-container

    2. Remove all inline stylings of the panels <div> tags

    3. Add the following styles:
      .channel-panels-container {
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: repeat(4,1fr);
      padding: 5rem;
      /* change grid-template-columns with @media or @container to fit everything on different screen sizes */

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  12. When it comes to designing the panels and the diagrams to be able to distribute the information, it is currently poorly done.

    We have two types of plot and even playing with empty panels to structure the placement, everything goes crazy, ruining all the work.

    When we go to 'About' we have a maximum frame of 5 panels wide and once everything is placed and structured it is perfect, but... when we are live and we simply use the mouse scroll to see the information, the frame varies to a maximum of 6, making all the information appear completely out…

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  13. Accessibility is a huge, ongoing problem on social media and streaming platforms, and this includes the way panels work on Twitch. I personally use photos to create a consistent brand on my page. Individuals visiting my page who use a screen reader are not able to know what my panels say because they are image-only. I hope that Twitch will consider adding an alternative text section (that will not show as text placed in the description shows). This will increase accessibility for all individuals on twitch and allow those of us who use a consistent branding system to maintain that…

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  14. Underneath the panels, text saying "when the panel was last updated" in italic?

    Admin audit: edited title to make easily-searchable

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  15. In our panels we're able to use markdown, which is great. One of those options is quotes. This indents the text and places a bar at the beginning of the line. This bar, however, is twitch-purple. This clashes with a lot of streamers' chosen colors. I know it certainly looks horrible in mine.

    In our channel settings under brand, we set an accent color for our channel. I would very much appreciate it if that color was used for quotes in our panels too.

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  16. In the About section, I have some panels that are links, some with a little text under them, and some with a lot of text under them. If panels with text could be expanded and collapsed by clicking, things would look a lot cleaner and more symmetrical while still giving easy access to information. As it is, having this kind of mix of panels makes things very cluttered and disorganized-looking.

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  17. Hey Twitch
    Hello, Hallo Bonjours

    Pannel profile extention Twitch it self.

    Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3
    Panel 4 Panel 5 Panel 6
    - The same box extension long and wide This is nicer and clearer because of the same box panel size.

    • Option add small Icon or Phone inside box.
    • box name exemple donate, about me parter what ever.
    • edit / delete I've talked to a lot of streamer and viewers. they think this is a good alternative idea. and much nicer. then min 3 panels in the Profile. (Not screen) Who knows, enough votes for this idea will…
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  18. There should be a option to choose if you wanna Auto Save your Panel Edits! Example on why: What if someone was making a long list in the description and had idea to add a extension to the panel but instead of autosaving or opening a new tab it just goes to the Extension List but maybe you changed your mind so you go back a page, but all that typing is gone and now you have to restart your list (which is very stressful for people with ADHD or trouble focusing on certain tasks). May somebody look into this…

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  19. Twitch offers so many extensions and yet we can only have 3 at any given time. Why is this? I don't understand why this number can't be increased or even not have a limit at all.

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  20. While developing the program, I think that if the panel can open a window with a window pop-up rather than a new window, it will provide more options to the streamer.

    I think it should be provided as a simple option.

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