Make ALL ads count for creators revenue split!!!
Any ad ran, either manually or through the Ad Manager should count towards the creators 3 minutes per hour of required ad time in order to earn the 55% split. After reading the following text in the Ad Manager support page, it became clear that manually running ads while I am taking a quick break to stretch or grab a drink, those ads are actually hurting my overall revenue split.
Can Affiliates earn 55% ad revenue splits by running ads manually, or via a third party tool?
No. Only ads run via Ads Manager (at 3 minutes or more per hour) qualify for the 55% ad revenue split.
Make ALL ad’s count towards creators revenue split, regardless of how they are ran.
Grupstra0 commented
This isnt how it works? When I run an ad and the scheduler is set, it takes that in to account. So, when I have it set to say, 2.5 minutes every half hour, for 5 minutes an hour, and I run a 3 minute ad at any point, it counts that extra 30 seconds towards the next schedule break, or skips it if it exceeds it.
so if I am sceduled to run 2.5 minutes in a half hour, and an ad is scheduled to run in the last 3 minutes of every half hour (XX:27 or XX:57), and an ad just played and a new half hour starts, I can run a 3 minute ad at say, 3:45, and then that will take care of the break at 3:57, and make the break at 4:27 be 2 minutes instead of 2.5.this was my understanding with how it works, and I understood the revenue was still 55% as long as it was still at least 3 mins per hour