Disable Ads?
I wish there was a option for affiliates and Partners alike to turn off preroll ads, a lot of us especially the smaller streamers hate that this is a thing and having a option to turn it off would make a lot of our streams a lot better. The reason why I say a toggle feature is because some streamers have a living from this so its not fair for them not to have it but the smaller streamers we dont like it and it drives away a lot from us
Thank you for reading this and taking this into consideration
DeltaCXdotcom commented
Over on YouTube, I can turn off all ads. People don't see pre-roll, mid-stream, or any ads at all. I have them all turned off.
I just learned today on Twitch that my viewers are seeing my stream interrupted by ads. I kept looking for a way to turn that off, and I couldn't find one.
You are making money on bits. You are making money on subscriptions. You are making more on both of these than YouTube makes on paid subscriptions and Super Chats. YouTube takes 30%.
If we are making you money through bits and subscriptions, we should be able to turn off ads completely. I have been trying to move my YouTube subscribers to watch on Twitch with the promise of less delay and more features. But if our stream is going to be interrupted by ads every few minutes, I imagine my audience is smart enough to watch live on YouTube unless they pay to subscribe on Twitch. That's worse for you and for me.
My audience now feels blackmailed. They don't want to have to pay to remove ads. I don't want to make ad money. Streamers want to make ad money, good, they can turn this on. I would rather create a better user experience for my audience and have no ads even if it means I make less money.
I saw that there was a previous investigation or something around ads, but I wonder if anybody researched with the audience. You might have learned what creators want when they want ad revenue, but did you learn what viewers prefer? Did you learn what creators prefer when they DON'T want to make ad revenue?
Please please please consider good CX and UX, and allow those of us making Twitch money in other ways to turn off ads like YouTube allows us to do. Thank you.