Ads Overhaul
Dear Twitch,
I think I speak for most of the streaming community when I say we do NOT like your new mid-roll strategy. Ads are among the biggest annoyances on the site and the solution is not to give us more ads. Here are some ideas on making ads on Twitch better for both the creator and the viewer.
Give the creators an actual cut of the ad revenue
Right now, this is absolutely peanuts when you compare it to other video content sites, it’s actually insane. This would make running ads also a bit more attractive for creators and viewers will know that these ads would actually support their favourite creators a lot more than now.Make your ads shorter and skippable
The ads that are currently running on Twitch are often way too long. Myself and other viewers have often skipped these ads by simply going to a different channel, that is not okay. That should not happen.Consider adding closable lower third ads
When you first launch a stream you can have a lower third ad hovering over the videoplayer. Be sure to make it so that viewers can click these away.Let creators and viewers (individually) control mid-rolls
I really like the fact that as a creator you can roll an ad, for instance, when you need to take a snack break or toilet break. What if we add a feature like that for every viewer. Let’s say you have a button somewhere next to the stream that viewers can opt for an ad to support their favourite creators, this way both the creator and the viewer has more control over when they want to see ads.Bits for ads
Why is this not a thing worldwide? This is such a nice concept and should be implemented all over the world because it gives the chance for viewers that can’t afford a sub or bits to give bits anyway by just saving them up by watching ads here and there. This can go hand in hand with the ad button for viewers.A certain amount of paid subs (gift subs excluded) = Twitch Turbo
Lastly, make it so that viewers that have a certain amount of paid subscriptions across multiple channels have Twitch Turbo perks. However, they could still opt to see ads to support a streamer with the button and still see mid-rolls from the streamer.
In summary, I think there is a lot to learn from other platforms in regards to ads on Twitch. These are just some loose ideas, I’m sure there are plenty of people that have better ideas than me or that can make these ideas even better. Thank you for reading and hopefully, maybe, something will be done with this.
Special shoutout to @HarrisHeller and @Jasper55RL (both on Twitter) for providing some of the points talked about in this post.
FoxNZ commented
> 1. Give the creators an actual cut of the ad revenue
Not sure what the current rate of ad revenue is, but so far Twitch is promoting around a 55% ad revenue split on all mid-roll & pre-roll ads being displayed, but that amount varies depending on viewership, ads being shown in parts of the world, and stream duration.
So the amount is not a lot... but that is to be expected for any other streaming platform, since the amount stems from how much advertisers are willing to spend on ads in Twitch.
> 2. Make your ads shorter and skippable
Great for viewers. TERRIBLE for advertisers and companies. If you're a business wanting to advertise on Twitch, you would only be able to make ACTIVE viewers see around 5 second of your ad, and then they leave and most likely forget whatever you wanted to advertise. Compare that to a 10 to 15 second unskippable ad, or better a 30 second ad, that grabs more of the viewer's attention, plus would reduce costs if you have to adapt a longer length advert into 'social media friendly' lengths and formats.
Basically, no business would choose this feature if they were given the option to do so.
> 3. Consider adding closable lower third ads
Display ads are being experimented on as of making this comment, but just like "skippable" video ads, it's a risky and terrible value for companies looking to pay for advertisements. Plus, in terms of accessibility, how could that be introduced for mobile users and how easy, UI wise, could the ads be 'closed'?
> 4. Let creators and viewers (individually) control mid-rolls
Creators have control over mid-roll ads playing on their streams, however pre-roll ads are still automatically given unless the creator has previously played a mid-roll ad before. Viewers, both inactive and active, if given the control of playing mid-roll ads are straight up not going to do it. If you think about this more hard, the only time where you would feel comfortable to play an "intrusive video ad" is where you're not paying attention at all to the streamer... again something that ruins the value and point of Twitch selling ad spots. Plus, viewers in general wouldn't want to play their own ads for no personal return... leading to:
> 5. Bits for ads
This feature has only been implemented in select parts of the world, but due to the varying legislation in the world about how advertisements should be presented, the inconsistent coverage of marketing being used around the world (since the world's population isn't evenly distributed) and the difficult conversion between how much of an ad equals a single or 100 bits, this feature has great difficulty in being widespread.
> 6. A certain amount of paid subs (gift subs excluded) = Twitch Turbo
What counts as a "certain amount"? If the threshold is when the user's spending of subscriptions equal to the price of Twitch Turbo per month, then, in my opinion, that should be offered as a choice to switch, not a reward or addition. Giving Twitch Turbo for "free" as a result of paying for 2 or 3 Tier 1 subscriptions ruins the position of Twitch Turbo in the first place. It's either you pay $9 per month, directly to Twitch, for its benefits (including ad-free viewing) or $10-15 per month, $5-7.5 of which is given to Twitch, for the same benefits.
It isn't yet confirmed whether Twitch Turbo, like YT Premium, has a greater "ad revenue share" for creators compared to just regular viewers, but if that becomes true it would somewhat be more economical for you to just pay $9 per month to support any channel you wish to visit, rather than $10-15 per month on a single, two or three channels that you watch.
nostalgianaut commented
#7 pausing and restarting a stream should not elicit an ad
#8 switching frequently between channels should not elicit a 30 second pre-roll at every switch -
Total_Angst commented
Twitch Sub should be like Amazon prime. You pay $5 a month and there are no ads anywhere. You choose which channel that goes to like normal. You can also sub to anyone else too if you want, but only 1 should get you an ad free experience.
Beam_of_Love commented
The #6 suggestion is really good. I have about 10 subscriptions to various channels running, and I can't stand ads, let alone extremely intrusive ones like Twitch likes to use. If the current system stays like it is, I would rather cancel all my subscriptions and move away from the platform.
If shoving ads into my face, even after I make it *very* clear I don't want to see ads by using an adblocker in the first place is worth more than then 25€/month (which in itself already is more than the price of Turbo), then I guess it just is time to leave the platform. -
SfSuicune commented
Best overhaul: Leave everything as is.
The ad system ist perfect without the midroll ads garbage.
Twitch makes tons of money from normal ads already and through subs. Midroll ads are completely not needed!
I just got ads every 15 Minutes(!) while watching a speedrun. Guess what? I missed key content. Yeah thank you very much. This is not frigging Television! -
imthatjeremyguy commented
Partners should be the only streamers with pre-rolls. They have the established audience that will tolerate them and not affect "growth". Whereas smaller streamers like MANY of us, its a deterrent to growth.
ArakATK commented
@skyMasterPT You sound as though you aren't an affiliate or partner, because they didn't say they are 100% for the creator, it said they "benefit the streamer", which they do. I've been an affiliate for 19 months, I've made $1.10 across those nineteen months. The cut we get of ad revenue is nothing. Ad rev is 90% for twitch, 10% for twitch to be able to say it benefits us.
And as for your point on Point 4, the OP said we already have the button for mid-roll ads. The point is that we should be able to CONTROL mid-roll ads which we currently can't do under this new system. Not realistically. If Twitch wants me to run a mid roll every 15 minutes, then that's not a tennable solution, I can't take breaks every 15 minutes. Now if they let me run 120 sec of ads every hour at the time of my choosing, and it stopped those 15 minute ad breaks that'd be one thing, and I think that's the point the OP was driving at.
SkyMasterPT commented
While your idea is in concept good and great, there need to be improvements, my take on it,
Point 1, these mid ad rolls are 100% for the creator, (it was said and announced by twitch)
Point 2, Great Idea, totally supportive.
Point 3, Also another great idea, totally supportive.
Point 4, We the creators already have that option to plant mid ads, there is a button for 30secs or 60sec ads (just go to your creator main page you'll see it there). Many like me included don't use it much.
Point 5, Sadly it's only on USA and not in the rest of the world due to Legalities on other countries, i'm TOTALLY in for this, sadly not happening in my country. :(
Point 6, Agree, Twitch turbo should be something added to someone with more than X (would suggest 4 channels) amount of channels subbed, would still have the option to watch or not mid ads.
Overall great points just tweaking!