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85 results found

  1. Assuming the Plus Program is here to stay, my proposal is to incorporate & rename it in a way that encompasses all monetized channels instead of being a "Program":
    • Bronze: 50/50 for fewer than 100 self-paid sub points ("Plus Points")
    • Silver: 60/40 for 100-299 self-paid sub points
    • Gold: 70/30 for 300+ self-paid sub points.

    The naming convention for Plus tiers is a little unclear and apparently not widely known/adopted. According to the FAQ pages, the official names are "Level 1" for 100+ and "Level 2" for 300+, and the below-100 streams are effectively considered non-participants (even though…

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  2. Create a methodology to remove lifetime subscriptions.

    In theory, a lifetime sub is self-explanatory, but in a practical sense, even the most sacred unions have a method to terminate the relationship. While a lifetime sub should not be taken lightly, over the course of years, things change and the user granted the lifetime sub may no longer frequent the channel or in rare cases, be banned from the channel. Given such situations, there should be a methodology in place to revoke a lifetime sub and after a moratorium, given to the channel owner to provide to someone else. During the…

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  3. will there be any new sub tiers in the future instead of having 3 tiers

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  4. It becomes tedious to unsubscribe from multiple affiliates and/or partners having to take a long time. A batch selection option would be helpful when you would want to end your subscription to multiple creators.

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  5. Why is there nothing like Youtube Premium?

    I pay a monthly fee, you know exactly what I watch and for how long.

    Now split the sharing money, by viewing time, to the channels I watch.
    And I don't have have to see ads.

    It's a win win for everyone.

    That way subscriptions are obsolete, this whole system is total trash in my opinion.
    Good channels are followed by me anyway, so I know when they are on.

    Especially when I am in the mood for streamer 1, but then later for streamer 2, on the weekend I like streamer 3,…

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  6. I strongly believe that, when a viewer subscribes at Tier 2/3, the streamer should be taking the lion's share of that extra revenue rather than an even split. I think that should persist regardless of Plus Program eligibility. Ideally, Twitch would take the same cut as a Tier 1 sub, and the streamer would get all the extra revenue. But since I know that would never happen, I think a standard 70/30 split on those higher tier subs would be a fair compromise. That way Twitch would still generate extra revenue from those subs, but all streamers would then be…

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  7. One thing that always confused me as an affiliate is that you can change your emote prefix with a username change but it is impossible to change your product ID for your channel which is what your viewers are directed to when they purchase a subscription for you channel. My username has been DataXemnas for 3.5 years but viewers get directed to when they want to purchase a subscription for my channel. I've contacted support about this before and they say it is absolutely impossible to change it. I find this hard to believe and that this is a…

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  8. Please bring the option to subscribe with Prime back to the front panel when clicking the option to subscribe or re-subscribe. Moving it under the "Elevate your Subscription" option requires unnecessary extra clicks and can also cause confusion. Some may think the option is not available due to country restrictions or they may think they don't have a Prime sub to use.

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  9. Make it available that non-affiliate streamers who meet the criteria of getting affiliated can access channel-points, subs and emotes but the streamer has to confirm that 100% of the bits and subs go to twitch. Some streamers are doing this for a hobby and don't want any money because of tax-reasons but it gives more interactivity with the viewers and twitch can earn more money this way. So everybody should benefit this way

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  10. I think the ADS is little too much to the Channel Subscripter, and now even going to raise the price, you will have to give back something if you asking more.

    1. like amount of gifted sub or bits you donate, should able to get sub points, once you high enough, should be able to get no ads to the channel, as you been support the streamer not stupid ads.
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  11. Very unethical to just keep peoples money when you ban a streamer, and also to keep charging those who subscribe recurringly.

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  12. Sehr geehrtes Twitch-Team,

    ich möchte einige Ideen zur Verbesserung der Plattform teilen. Aktuell gibt es viele Streamer, die trotz guter Inhalte nicht genug Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Hier sind meine Vorschläge:

    Mindestalter für Streamer: Ich schlage vor, das Streamen erst ab 18 Jahren zu erlauben. Dadurch würden weniger unerfahrene Streamer die Plattform mit minderwertigem Content überfluten.
    Abopflicht für Streamer: Eine monatliche Abogebühr von z.B. 9,99 € könnte dazu beitragen, dass nur ernsthafte Streamer aktiv sind. Dies würde die Qualität der Livestreams erhöhen und die Plattform professioneller wirken lassen.
    Vorteile für alle: Diese Änderungen wären eine Win-Win-Situation für alle Beteiligten:
    Zuschauer: Hochwertigere Livestreams…

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  13. Remove the auto resub feature and don't charge people who only sub to 1 person to then take more of their money to resub to people that they previously subbed to but didn't resub to for a reason

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  14. Let people upgrade their subs freely and refund prorated differences where appropriate. I don't understand why it's not possible to do this. I started a six month subscription to a channel in Subtember, but now I want to upgrade to tier 2 only to find out that I have to pay an additional full price for the tier 2 subscription, even though I'm already on tier 1. I can't give this streamer and Twitch more money even though I voluntarily want to, because doing so means I'm paying almost double price what I should be. Every other service I've ever…

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  15. I`m currently subscribing to 8 streamers on Twitch. It was great pleasure for me to check the monthly recaps. I would like to thank the develpoers for creating this feature.

    However, a recap of one channel was oddly written. I watched the broadcast on that chnnel and chatted hard. But all I could see in the monthly recap was the number of subscriptions. I want to let the streamer know how passionate I am.

    Other monthly recaps can check the time I watched the broadcast, the chats, and the date I watched the show. My guess is that this kind…

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  16. I am a livestreamer and am asking for another catagory be added in Twitch. And that would be called "Trucking Worldwide" their are many livestreamers in various categories but those are not in the same category. For example just chatting to me that is sitting on a desk or by a table and just have a discussion about one topic or etc. World travel is seeing the world by visiting a country. outta every livestreamer doing Real Life Trucking we need our own Category. Granted ATS is a good learning experience but many learn more if we have our own…

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  17. Keep it up I’ll remove the subscription. I will remove the software, and I will never watch your stuff again.

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  18. Subscribers and community members change over time and sometimes some members can fade or become problematic, this is sadly just the way that it is running a community. Currently lifetime subs are cannot be revoked, but the policy should change that you are allowed to revoke each lifetime sub once / limit the number of times they are revoked but they SHOULD be able to be revoked.

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  19. Similarly to how streamers are technically subscribed to their own channels so they can use their own emotes, I believe that streamers should be able to award a limited number of free subs to their editors and/or moderators so they can work without ads interrupting them and so they can use the streamer's emotes to help promote the channel and hype the chat.

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  20. On my subscriptions page it says I have a prime sub available, but the button doesn't show up when i try to sub to a channel. This was confusing and I tried it in 6 ways before figuring out the reason: i'm on an amazon trial account for the second time. I think it's reasonable that I don't get a prime sub right now, the issue is that my subscriptions page says I do. The channel menu performs the check for a prime sub correctly; the subscriptions page should perform the same check. (Also it might give the info why…

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