Bring back the ability to chat on the twitch app for consoles
The fact that you guys took away to ability to chat for people on console just seems bad to be honest. Not everyone can afford a mobile phone or even a pc, I would love to see this feature come back.
brysonmote1 commented
Dude im watching caseoh_ and i want to tell him how cool hw is
kelnichols commented
The removed console chat experience, killed a lot of the on the couch family experiences we would have together. Where we could talk together and chat with our favorite entertainers as a group. We now have to pass the phone to do so. Breaking the interaction with the entertainers on the TV by adding another device to the mix. It's too overly distracting. Where children could voice to chat through console controllers with entertainers all the way to the older ones type. This level of continuity and transparency between all of us here on the couch was able to keep us all entertained and enthralled together. Now it's whose tablet's going to log in or whose phone's going to log in And be tied up. Lol. Not the best choice guys
showerfv commented
They really needs to bring it back it annoying when you want to watch a streamer but you gotta use your phone to chat, you basically using twitch on 2 devices
TheLastMageOnEarth commented
same with the Smart Tv app, I have a bluetooth keyboard that works fine on my TV
slayerofhumans666 commented
it would be great .not having a phone is a bummer and the QR code faze is gone
degus18 commented
THIS ^ The update hit PS4 and I use ps4 for casual watch & chat. We shouldn't have to juggle multiple devices JUST to watch a stream
gonja73 commented
Please bring back the option to type in chat with a controller. Why does Twitch constantly push away their viewers with idiotic changes like this?
shedd45 commented
Bring back the typing with the controller back
millennialprince commented
I second what scarecrowthedrifter just said.
scarecrowthedrifter commented
Twitch just removed the ability to chat on ps4 twitch now
xArkSlade08x commented
Add chat on Twitch app on PlayStation 4 Pro consoles to be able to communicate with live streamers and other people on chat.
xArkSlade08x commented
Add chat on Twitch app on Xbox Series X consoles to be able to communicate with live streamers and other people on chat.
RisingPhoenixTV commented
I would like to see the new console app reverted or at least see the chat function come back to consoles. As someone who uses twitch and enjoyed watching twitch on console from time to time just the fact they removed that function.. was a bad move for the new gen consoles.
I hope you listen Twitch because seriously no one likes this update you done.
The fact you have to have a mobile device or a pc just to be able to chat is a bit absurd to me. I think twitch should be easy access for everyone I've even emailed them about it to because it's just not fair.
vCapxne commented
I don’t know why this was removed but I feel as though you should re-enable to chat on consoles.
ihasty2014 commented
Returning of the feature that allowed Xbox users to join stream chat via the twitch app that's available in the Microsoft store.
Pyrytspryt commented
Bring back the ability to chat on consol back like it used to be. No one wants to use there phone instead of a usb keyboard or a controller, especially if they dont have a working phone, or use the phone to watch a 2nd channel if they have no pc like my self.
Immortal_Knight commented
You changed something in the Xbox one app (maybe PS4 as well?) So that now I can no longer chat inside the app itself. I now literally have to use my phone to chat while I watch the stream on my TV. This is incredibly cumbersome.
NoSpaceNoTime commented
The new chat experience is clearly a step backwards and a loss of functionality. Please revert these changes so you can watch and chat from one device, the console.
opaclipse commented
Fix it quickly
Anonymous commented
you cant see chat and it makes it very hard when u have to check constantly.